Little Mountain Park Conservancy       Group Inc.
For The Love of Our Park
 Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association 



Trail Report 2021

Dec. 30 2021

The year is coming to the end. What a year! Record heat in the summer. No real rain to speak of. Now winter is in full form with the cold moving in. The trails are getting matted down after the heavy snow we had. Hopefully the city will run the plow around the main trails. Keep the walks short with the extreme cold.

Dec. 20 2021 

A bit of a chill in the air but overall winter hasn't been that bad so far. Famous last words!!! These little fellows are bothered at all.

Dec. 06 2021

Nasty cold day for walking! Keep it short. It's not fun walking with cold paws. The Sun Dogs were wonderful this morning!

Nov. 27 2021 Rain

Be very carefull walking today. The rain we got last night made walking a real challange.

Nov. 13 2021 Trees Down

There are a couple of trees that have come down on the Golf Course Trail and one in the Big Field, I have contacted the city about it. The garbage bags are being placed around the park.


Nov. 11 2021

We're back!!! The first real snow of the season started last night. The trails are very mushy to say the least.

Nov. 01 2021

Well we had our first taste of snow yesterday. Didn't stick around for more than a minute but shapes of things to come. The trails are greasy from the rain snow mix so be carefull walking. Darlene and I took care of the garden today as well. It sure looked great all summer long. It was lonely walking without my Sage today. Thanks to everyone and all their support.

Oct. 20 2021

A touch of frost in the air today. It was -4C at the park this morning.

Oct. 15 2021 Pick your trail carefully. With all the rain that has fallen Hawthorn and the Golf Course trails are very slick with mud so watch your footing.

Oct. 10 2021

Soggy day for walking

Oct 03 2021 Another foggy morning!

Sept. 26 2021

What a fantastic next couple of days it's going to be acording to the weather office. Get out anf enjoy! The trails are in great shape with all the new wood chips that have be put down.

Sept. 17 2021

After the rain yesterday everything is just a tad muddy. The geese are out in the field so they will be heading off soon. But not to soon I hope. The golf clubs are still calling me, not sure what they calling me but still there!

Sept. 01 2021

Caught the light just right. Trails are a bit muddy

What a fantastic foggy day!

Aug. 23 2021

After the most welcome rain the trails are on the muddy side. There are a few standing puddles and a few downed trees.

Aug. 10 2021

Finally some rain. The trails are muddy to be expected. We sure will take it, even though my golf game yesterday got rained out at the 17th hole but I am not compianing at all.

July 30 2021 Chips

We have new wood chips placed on the Ridge trail today.

July 29 2021

Boy do we need rain. That smoke is so think that's all I can taste and smell.

July 19 2021

A little rain and a lot of forest fire smoke filled the air today.

The trails are hardly even muddy.

July 01 2021 Happy Canada Day! To darn hot for walking. We have been going at 7:30 AM to avoid the heat.

June 28 2021 No rain

Still no rain in the forcast. All the berries are drying up in this heat. Thanks to everyone for keeping the garden watered. Make sure to bring plenty of water for the pups.

June 23 2021

Gee we could use some rain. The Trails are cracked up from the lack of moisture. Thanks to everyone for making our garden so wonderful this year.

June 09 2021

That rain was muchly needed! The trials are muddy of course and the mosquitos are coming up.

June 02 2021

There is a heat wave is going to hit us so bring lot's of water and keep the walks short. That little bit of rain last night was great!

Some fool dropped a load of Pepsi bottle holders off in the Farmers Road parking lot. I have contacted the city about it.

May 21 2021

With the rain we have had everything has greened up nicely. We sure could us more. The trails are not muddy at all.

May 17 2021

Get out for a walk and smell the blossom's.

Bring lot's of water. It's going to be hot for the next couple of days


May 06 2021

Trails are in great shape. We sure could use some rain though. All the water levels are down.

Apr. 18 2021

Well this sucks! The trails are very muddy. Watch your footing I slipped a few times.

Apr. 15 2021

Crocuses are popping back up after the snow fall. The trails are not in bad shape at all.

Apr. 14 2021

What a wild couple of days of winter storm! There is a huge drift in front of the clubhouse. The trails are getting matted down nicely.

Apr. 12 2021
It's back!!!! The trails will be a mess for awhile but the moisture is muchly needed! Think I will skip the park today.

 Published: 12 April 2021
 Last Updated: 12 April 2021
 Hits: 1
Apr. 07 2021
The trails are in really good shape! We do need the rain though.

The first crocuses are popping up today.

 Published: 07 April 2021
 Last Updated: 07 April 2021
 Hits: 3
Mar. 28 2021
The trails are getting better. Still a tad muddy so bring your boots.

 Published: 29 March 2021
 Last Updated: 29 March 2021
 Hits: 14
Mar. 20 2021
That didn't take long for the snow to disappear! There is very little standing water around the park. The trails are a tad muddy so break out the towels. Oh ... ticks are hatching as well! 

 Published: 21 March 2021
 Last Updated: 21 March 2021
 Hits: 36
Mar. 08 2021
Try to avoid the trails for a while. They are very icy. We don't need any torn up legs.

 Published: 09 March 2021
 Last Updated: 09 March 2021
 Hits: 42
Mar. 05 2021
I heard the Canada Geese going over and a Robin today. I hope they didn't jump the gun but the warm weather sure feels great!

 Published: 06 March 2021
 Last Updated: 06 March 2021
 Hits: 30
Mar. 02 2021
Well I am not sure if that counts as coming in like a lion or not but hopefully the was that last of the bitterly cold days. The Golf course trail has blown in along the open section, the usual spot.

 Published: 03 March 2021
 Last Updated: 03 March 2021
 Hits: 38

Feb. 23 2021
It is wonderful to feel the warmth again after the nasty cold spell we had! But with the warmer days be careful walking the trails will be getting icy. We don't want any torn tendons.

 Published: 24 February 2021
 Last Updated: 24 February 2021
 Hits: 49
Feb. 12 2021
Another cold one out there today. So far the best we have done is just short walks and in the treed trails. It's no fun for the dogs if their feet are cold! Keep it short. Hopefully the cold snap will break soon. Maybe next week.

 Published: 12 February 2021
 Last Updated: 12 February 2021
 Hits: 42
Feb. 07 2021
Nope not this weekend -54 wind chill! we'll just play in the backyard thanks. I pretty sure my car swore at me when I went to start it!

 Published: 08 February 2021
 Last Updated: 08 February 2021
 Hits: 52
Feb. 05 2021
So far this has been not a bad winter at all. A couple of cold days in January at -30's, a few nice days, and we are back to a normal day today. The city has done a few of the trails again which makes it very nice for walking.

 Published: 05 February 2021
 Last Updated: 05 February 2021
 Hits: 55
Jan. 20 2021
Okay I give up, -25 yesterday (with a wind chill) morning. +3 today with rain. Honestly, where else to do get a 28 degree temperature change!!!!! The trails are in great shape. The city just cleaned the main trails this morning.

 Published: 20 January 2021
 Last Updated: 20 January 2021
 Hits: 219
January, winter on the prairies, Winnipeg ... Fog! Right! Enjoy the walk.


 Published: 20 January 2021
 Last Updated: 20 January 2021
 Hits: 121
Jan. 04 2020
The city has cleared the snow off some of the trails. Makes for a bit of an easier walk. Enjoy the nice weather! January, right!

 Published: 06 January 2021

Jan. 01 2021
Hi all, Happy New Year! The weather looks like it is going to be very nice the next couple of weeks so get out and enjoy it! The trails are matted down nicely making walking very easy.

 Published: 02 January 2021
 Last Updated: 02 January 2021
 Hits: 119