Little Mountain Park Conservancy       Group Inc.
For The Love of Our Park
 Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association 




Roxanne Fernando Memorial Tree
This comes from our friend Colin Wright: 

This is a truly sad part of Little Mountains history, Colin Wright has entered into talks with a local city Member of Parliament, Hor. Rod Bruinooge about setting up a Memorial Tree and Plaque for the late Roxanne Fernando. Roxanne came to Canada in 2003 but her life was cut short in 2007. Her family chose to bury her in the Philippines, Colin would like to plant a tree in her honor. I think that we should do our part and get behind this idea. For Colin's phone number please e-mail me.

 Published: 07 January 2011

Stray Dog
This comes from Marianne at the Beausejour Animal Hospital. They have a Male Lab Cross, about 1 to 2 years old, (possibly crossed with a Rotti- someone docked his tail). He is Black with Dapple legs and a White chest. Very friendly and smart - doesn't know basic commands though, so needs some work. He has been there for quite a few days and they are running out of room. Can anybody help them out. Contact me for the address if you are interested.

 Published: 12 April 2011
 Last Updated: 12 April 2011
 Hits: 1252
Thank You
Thank You to everybody that gave up their Sunday Morning and helped in the Park Clean-up. We had 25-30 people show up. Thanks again!

 Published: 12 April 2011
 Last Updated: 12 April 2011
 Hits: 1290
Spring Clean-up
Hi there, it's time again for our Spring Clean-up. We were looking at Sunday April 10th as a good day for everybody. We plan to run from 10:30 to 12:00ish. Hopefully we won't get rained on! So remember to bring your rubber boots, a shovel and make a great day out of it. There will be bags there but if you want to bring your own, okay.

 Published: 31 March 2011
 Last Updated: 03 April 2011
 Hits: 1331
Lost Sunnygirl
Lost Dog: Sunnygirl from Lundar

Saturday March 26 about 12:15 pm at the West End of the park. The phone number on the the tag was called by Mike but there was no answer. She's in good hands but any help to find her home would be appreciated. If you are looking or have any information that could help, e-mail me for Mike's cell phone number.

Up-date Sunday: Sunnygirl is back home. Her family was next door at the Sportplex. Thanks Mike for taking care of her.

 Published: 26 March 2011
 Last Updated: 27 March 2011
 Hits: 1294
They're Doggone considerate

Garth Hilderman (left) takes a stroll with fellow dog walker Ed Loewen in one of Hilderman's favourite places in Winnipeg - Little Mountain Park., where puppy love takes over in winter.

Winnipeg Free Press On 7 Sunday, February 27, 2011 pg. 14 .

by Garth Hilderman (picture)

They're Doggone considerate

Dog owners make Little Mountain Park a real treat.

"Every winter, Little Mountain Park gets taken over by dogs and their owners. The park's trails are a great place for dog walking, being both scenic and out of the wind. I like taking my dog there because it's a chance for him to run and roughhouse with members of his own species.

But as nice as the park is and for as much fun and exercise as my dog gets while there. it's the other owners who really make it a remarkable place. It is their generosity and sense of community that cause Little Mountain to rank among my favourite places in Winnipeg.

I've met several dog owners who always bring birdseed with them on their walks, just to top up the bird feeders that can be found alongside many of Little Mountain's trails. One lady I've met hangs bagels on tree branches just to give the birds an extra treat. I've seen someone else bring peanuts, so the squirrels have something, too.

Scattered through the park are wooden boxes that house plastic bags for those owners who find themselves in need of one to pick up after their dog. I have no idea who originally was responsible for placing these boxes, or even if they are fulfilling their original purpose, but I do know dog walkers have appointed themselves responsible for keeping them stocked.

During the winter, it's the dog walkers who deal with plastic bags that have fulfilled their purpose. The city doesn't appear to send anyone around to gather the trash from throughout Little Mountain once there is snow on the ground. Trash cans would quickly overflow with empty coffee cups and not-nearly-as-empty plastic bags if not for an exceptional few people who have taken it upon themselves to perform this task.

Despite these best efforts, some stuff gets missed in the snow. Come the spring thaw, there is a need to do a bit of extra cleaning, so some of the regulars put aside a couple of hours on a weekend to tidy things up. Armed with shovels and gloves, they set about cleaning the park, making it ready for summer crowds to enjoy roasting wieners and toasting marshmallows.

Nobody told any of them to do these things, they just do them. They do them not for personal gain, but for the betterment of everyone who uses the park. And I think that's pretty special."

 Published: 27 February 2011
 Last Updated: 06 March 2011
 Hits: 1510
Sad News
Sad news, Daisy Richter passed away. She was a sweet girl who loved her rubs and scratches. All our best wishes to Vince and Thorunn in their sad times.

 Published: 19 February 2011
 Last Updated: 19 February 2011
 Hits: 1269
Sad News
We have some sad news today, Krypto passed away. All of our best go out to Tannis and Roman in their sad times.

 Published: 20 January 2011
 Last Updated: 20 January 2011
 Hits: 1229
Manitoba Mutts Dog Rescue
We have a new dog rescue that just started, Manitoba Mutts Dog Rescue. If you are interested in a dog/puppy adoption. For more information go to their facebook page at or contact Becky at

 Published: 17 January 2011

Hope Garden
We have started to add flowers to the Hope Garden again. Last year was very successful with a lot of colour and variety. We have new grounds keepers this year. Lets introduce ourselves to them and have a wonderful summer.

 Published: 29 May 2011
 Last Updated: 29 May 2011
 Hits: 1257
We have a group that wants to play flag football in the off-leash area of the park. The PIT Touch Football League say they have the city's blessing on this, (things that make you go uhh!) for area 4 (the off-leash area) and 8 of the park. If this is correct information. I think they are in for a rude shock if the ball is intercepted by a four footed player and disappears into to the brush. Stay tuned for more details as they come.

Yep, they are there. All summer long. How long will it be before the grass is worn right down to nothing? How long will it be before a gopher makes his home there and the city poisons the holes? Is this the start of something bigger?

 Published: 14 May 2011
 Last Updated: 28 May 2011
 Hits: 1423
So I guess we are no longer Politicaly Correct! We don't have pets any more, we have companions. No, I'm not going to change our web page name.

 Published: 14 May 2011
 Last Updated: 14 May 2011
 Hits: 1406
Broken Glass
Hey there, if you are using the dug out for swimming, watch out for broken glass everywhere. On land and under the water! Poor Tank needed stitches on his paw.

 Published: 14 May 2011
 Last Updated: 14 May 2011
 Hits: 1289
Happy Manitoba Day
May 12th is Manitoba Day. We have a lot to be proud of, enjoy!

 Published: 11 May 2011
 Last Updated: 11 May 2011
 Hits: 1398

Sunday, May 1st, it's LMPPOA's Birthday today! Three years and counting,(too bad the weather turned bad)!

 Published: 01 May 2011
 Last Updated: 07 May 2011
 Hits: 1218
Lower Fort Garry
Lower Fort Garry, June 12th Dog Day

Today is all about your dog: Bring your pup to Lower Fort Garry for a day of fun and games. Participate in the talent show, hook your dog up to a travois, and visit the canine trade fair.

 Published: 23 April 2011
 Last Updated: 23 April 2011
 Hits: 1268
I heard today, 'April 14th', of our first tick sighting. Now that's early!!! Time to think about Heart Worm pills and all that wonderful stuff that goes with summer.

 Published: 14 April 2011

Boston Pug Rescue
Here's the summer up-date from the BTPR.

Mid-July already and it seems like summer is finally here - thank goodness! Summer is an especially busy time for us as we race around trying to coordinate vet visits, dog walks, garage sales, other fundraising, and the most important part - finding good homes for the dogs in our care.

For those of you wondering about Freya, her knees continue to do great after surgery and she gets stronger every day. She suffered a big setback last week though when she had to be rushed to the vet after vomiting and becoming lethargic. This resulted in a 3-day vet stay, lots of tests and meds and even more TLC - but she is fine now and all is well! Wish we could say the same for our bank account - this was an unexpected $1000 we had to put out. If anyone is willing to help with a donation, we can really use it!! We have Bo the Boston Terrier going in this week for a head x-ray due to chronic sinusitis that won't go away, and a new arrival named Robin who comes to us from a Missouri puppy mill and can barely breathe due to tight nostrils and a long palate. If you can help, please do! We have Paypal Donate button right on our website - every little bit helps!
Thanks to everyone who read and shared our request to help find Scout the Greyhound/German Shepherd a new foster home, we have found her an AMAZING foster home and she is doing very well! She has a cat foster sister and a beautiful backyard and she is getting lots of walks and attention.
We have more fundraising events planned for the summer! We'll be having another garage sale on Saturday, August 13th and look for us the St. Norbert Farmer's Market on Saturday, August 20th. Don't forget about the Manitoba Pet Expo on Sunday, September 18th either!! Check out the attachment for details on what you can expect to see!
Have a fun summer!
Jessica and Lindsay
Come On Aboard the Rescue Unity Fundraising Boat!!!
The Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue will be in attendance as well as many other local animal rescues in the province. There will be a silent auction and 50/50 Draw as well.
Please see the attached poster for more information.
For more information on this event please contact Sherri of Rescue Unity Fundraisers (RUF) at
Thank you for your support.
Jessica & Lindsay

 Published: 17 July 2011
 Last Updated: 22 July 2011
 Hits: 1361
Grass Cut
We have our grass cut and the park looking 100% better. Good on everybody for making the effort to help keep Little Mountain the way it should look!

 Published: 01 July 2011
 Last Updated: 01 July 2011
 Hits: 1286
Summer Fund Raising
From the Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue.


Good Afternoon,
Can you believe summer is finally here?  We thought it would never come!  For us, summer means garage sale season, and we're gearing up for our second garage sale of the year on Saturday, July 9th.  As usual, we're looking for donations of stuff to sell.  Please see the attached poster for details on the garage sale, including location.
Summer also means Paws In Motion, and we'll be there this Sunday with some of our adoptable dogs.  Make sure you say hi if you're coming out!
Here's someone who's going to have a fun summer - Freya the Pug!  You might remember that we rescued her from southeast Manitoba with her 8 week old puppy, Tyra (who has since been adopted and is now Petal).  Freya had been having difficulty walking and it was determined that she was suffering from bilateral luxating patellas that were causing her severe discomfort and have permanently bowed her legs.  Thanks in part to a generous donation from Petsecure Pet Insurance, Freya had double knee surgery last week and is doing fantastic!!  It won't be long before she's back playing "chase" with her foster sister, Sabrina the Pug!
Another exciting event to bring summer to a close - those of you who attended the Manitoba Pet Expo last year in September will be happy to know we'll be doing it again on Sunday, September 18th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.  The best part is, this year's venue is PET FRIENDLY!!  We are thrilled to announce that Sophie's Dognasium (1469 St. James St., or visit will be our venue for 2011 and dogs are welcome on-leash. We'll have a ton of pet-related vendors, animal rescue groups and animal advocacy groups displaying products, services and information.  For more information on the Expo, visit the website at
As well - we hate to drag out the "f"-word but "fall" will be here in a few months, and we are doing a Veseys Bulbs Fall 2011 Fundraiser. This is the first time we have done a fall fundraiser, and we are hoping it's as big a hit as our spring fundraiser.
We have attached a copy of the brochure and planting instructions for your ordering needs. When you have decided what you would like to order, please feel free to email us at and let us know. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at that email address as well.
Orders can be placed starting today and we will be taking orders until Sunday, August 28. Orders will start shipping mid-September just in time for planting in the fall. These bulbs will bloom in the Spring, and you will all have very beautiful gardens.
We will have brochures and order forms at our events throughout the summer, so if you forget to order by email, you will be able to order in person.
Happy Gardening!
Lindsay and Jessica

 Published: 01 July 2011
 Last Updated: 01 July 2011
 Hits: 1120
This comes from our friends at the BP Rescue

Good Morning Everyone, 

Please help!  Scout the Greyhound/German Shepherd needs a new foster home. She needs to be moved by this Thursday. We don't have any large dog foster homes left and are short of homes in general!

Scout gets along with cats, small dogs and children. She is very affectionate, and just loves to cuddle. She is house trained, spayed, up to date on shots, and is a good listener.

Scout DOES NOT get along with large dogs. She is afraid of them, and will fight with them.

Please help us find a new foster/adoptive home for Scout. Forward this email to everyone you know that loves animals and can help us.

Scout's adoption fee has been waived - all we want is to find a good home for her.  She is 7 years old and has chronic dry eye that is treated with daily eye drops that come with her to her foster home. She does great with her drops and will sit nicely for them to be put in.

The potential home will still be screened by our adoption coordinator.


Lindsay & Jessica

Executive Committee
Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba
"It's a dog's life!"

 Published: 01 July 2011
 Last Updated: 01 July 2011
 Hits: 1337
Clean up
I've had a lot of people asking about the general state of the park. The best information that I can give is to call the City of Winnipeg 311 number and they will pass your concerns along to the proper people so that action can take place. Also, make sure to take the time to thank the city for the football field!

I wrote the city 311 number and made an inquiry:

Hello, just a question or note as to the status of the grass cutting operation at Little Mountain Park. None of the larger fields are being looked at this year as far as cutting goes. This is becoming a dangerous condition because of the gopher holes that are being over grown. Somebody is going to get really hurt at some point.

Thank you for your time.
Mr. L. Johnson

Good Morning,

Thank you for your email. I have reported your concern to the Parks Branch of Public Works, please note that parks are cut on an average of 10-14 working day cycle. Your reference number is #, it is important that you keep this number for future inquiries.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you for contacting Winnipeg 311.

This comes from Bob W.

I have attached the letter. 

I haven't heard back yet from Public Works, but Councillor Sharma asked me 
to forward to her the answer I receive from that department. 

I was astounded by the immediacy of the response. I sent the email to Public 
Works a few minutes earlier, and then decided that I should try out the new 
Councillor. I sent the email at 7:14 am and at 7:17 am my phone rang. She 
started by appologizing for calling so early, but as she had just received 
my email she assumed that I must be up. We had a very nice conversation and 
the explanation she gave, which she admitted was her understanding of the 
state of affairs, was as I stated. She wanted me to forward the reply I get 
from Public Works to make certain that her answer was valid, or else she 
wants to follow up on whatever they tell me. 

I don't pay that much attention to what the employees at the park do, but 
Dean was continually cutting grass. Dean was the main person at the park in 
2005, 06, 07 and 2010. Lida, the girl from 2009, also was continually 
cutting. In 2008 they had the fellow that took a weeks holidays in early 
July, and never reappeared. His helper's name was Gerry and he had been 
Dean's helper the year before also. He tried to do the clean up and the 
grass but couldn't do it all, so the city sent in two big mowers every 
Friday for the rest of the summer and they would cut the whole park in one 
day. They have normally had two employees, and that has allowed for 
everything to be kept up. 

I think that there are two employees this year also, but sometimes I have 
only noticed one. When I have seen two they were both riding around on the 
truck together. I don't really know what is going on but I guessed that the 
problem might be that the foreman from Public Works has not explained 
properly what the workmen are supposed to do. If somebody is now trying to 
say that the grass is on a 10  to 14 day schedule, that hasn't been the 
case, but perhaps from now on. We go to the park every day, and have been 
since 2005 when we got Rocky, the grass has never been this long, and the 
main field doesn't look like it has been cut at all. This weekend I took my 
camera out to take some more pictures of Shadow to send to her former owner 
who is now in a nursing home in Kenora, but in the pictures the park looked 
so shabby around the building, with the grass so long, I will wait for next 
weekend to try again. 

Just between us, I have traditionally, in summer, taken a route along the 
golf course, and then come back to the building through the bush. I have not 
been doing that this summer because there are some pretty muddy parts to 
some of the paths in the bush. Those muddy patches are now also full of very 
deep ruts, which means that the truck has been going down those paths and 
just ripping up the ground. If the grass situation is cleared up, then I am 
intending to watch what happens to those ruts. Hopefully somebody from the 
City will now come and take a look around the park and see what all needs to 
be done. The pond is also a terrible mess. I only have one dog that loves 
the water so we just don't go there. Somebody has thrown a picnic table into 
the pond and it is just rotting away. I don't know how much we'll be able to 
encourage the city to fix, but we might as well stay on it and see what 

I will also forward to you any other information that I get from the City or 

Bob W

 Published: 10 June 2011
 Last Updated: 23 June 2011
 Hits: 1379
Little Mountain Park has a new grounds keeper that we call on to keep the park trails clean. Adam Everett has taken up the mantel of looking after things. Keep up the great work buddy!

 Published: 10 June 2011
 Last Updated: 12 June 2011
 Hits: 1391
Broken Window
A car had its window broken May 31  in the North Parking lot between 1:30 and 2:30. A dollar store bag was removed. It happens so fast out there. Please don't bring any valuables out to the park and leave them in your car.

 Published: 01 June 2011
 Last Updated: 01 June 2011
 Hits: 1244
Lost Dog
We have a lost dog at the Park, Milo is a 2 year old Boston Terrier. If found (204)771-3881.

Sad news, Milo was hit by a car later in the day. We are all so sorry for that piece of news.

 Published: 31 May 2011

From the BTPRSM:


Well, fall is here and we are gearing up for a busy craft sale season! Every year, we attend craft sales to help us raise money for the rescue to get us through the lean winter months. This also gives us the chance to display information about the rescue and photos of our adorable adoptables. Please check out the attached poster of all our upcoming craft sales and feel free to share with family and friends. We have created Facebook events for all our craft sales so please invite and share with your Facebook friends.
While we are working hard to fundraise money for the rescue, we also need to time to have fun with our furry friends. Our Howl-o-ween  Party is on Sunday, October 30th. It's guaranteed to be a ghoulish good time!!! Treats for the humans and our four legged friends. :)  Check out the poster for more information on upcoming playgroups and dog friendly events. These events are also on BTPRSM's Facebook page, so invite and share with your Facebook friends.
As winter approaches we will start seeing more dogs coming into the rescue. We are always looking for foster homes for our adoptable dogs. If you or someone you know are interested in fostering for the BTPRSM, please check out our website and read through the  "Fostering a Dog" tab. At the bottom of the page, you can find our Foster Application, which can be completed and returned to this email address.
Hope you're all having a wonderful autumn!
Jessica & Lindsay

 Published: 13 October 2011
 Last Updated: 13 October 2011
 Hits: 1341
Cheese Cubes
Cheese Cubes:

I have been in contact with the Kil-cona club and they have told me that this story has been made up.


I just wanted to share this with the pet owners. At Kilcona Park a friend of mine collected cheese cubes w/ little nails stuck inside each of them. I dont know if this is just happening at Kilcona but its good to know that theres people who are doing this. My friend collected a handful of these cheeses.  I haven't heard anything at LMPark yet maybe its just at Kilcona but its good to be aware about this.

 Published: 03 October 2011
 Last Updated: 23 October 2011
 Hits: 1302
Blessing of the Animals:

Once again we are planning to have the 'Blessing of the Animals' out at the park. We are going to have it own Sunday Oct. 9th at 1:30 , at the Club House. Last years event turned out to be wonderful day !

 Published: 28 September 2011
 Last Updated: 03 October 2011
 Hits: 1466
New For the Fall

Good Morning,
We hope you all had a great weekend. We sure did! The 2nd annual Manitoba Pet Expo was a great success. A BIG thank you goes out to all the supporters, exhibitors, rescues and volunteers who helped make the day possible!!!
There are some events coming up this weekend and next weekend and we wanted to make sure that you were all aware of some of the fun, pet friendly events that you can take part in!!!
~ Fundraising Yard Sale in Support of the BTPRSM ~
We thought we were done with yard sales for the rest of the summer, but a supporter of the rescue contacted us and asked if they could hold their own fundraising yard sale on our behalf!  We are happy to announce that there will be a fundraising yard sale this Saturday, September 24th. Please check out the attached poster for all details. No donations are required as the supporter has tons of items already.  What we could use is a hand at the yard sale!  If you can help out, even for a few hours, please let us know!!
~ Canvasback Pet Supplies Adoption Day ~
Also on Saturday, BTPRSM will be at the Canvasback Pet Supplies Adoption Day. We will be there from 11:00am - 4:00pm. Come own down and meet some of the adoptables from our rescue as well as many other rescues in attendance. Canvasback will have a Silent Auction, 50/50 Draw, BBQ and many giveaways and in-store specials. Please see the attached poster for more information.
~ Purina Walk for Dog Guides ~
On Sunday, September 25th, you can find us as well as many other rescues at the Purina Walk for Dog Guides. We will have our display table set up as well as some adoptable dogs with us. Walk starts at 12:00 pm and events continue until 3:00pm. Please see the attached poster for more information.
~ BTPRSM @ St. Norbert Farmer's Market Part II ~
On Saturday, October 1st you can find us at the St. Norbert Farmer's Market. Come check out our display table. We will have our homemade cookie kits, sweet potato chips, magnets, bookmarks, pet photo frames & much, much more....
We will also have some of our Adorable Adoptables on site, so you will be able to meet the dogs looking for their forever homes. See the attached poster for more information.

~ Veseys Bulb Fall 2011 Fundraiser ~
This is a last call for orders for the Veseys Bulbs Fall 2011 Fundraiser.
We have attached a copy of the brochure and planting instructions for your ordering needs. When you have decided what you would like to order, please feel free to email us at and let us know. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at that email address as well.
We will be taking orders until Saturday, October 1st. Orders will start shipping within the week, just in time for planting in the fall. These bulbs will bloom in the Spring, and you will all have very beautiful gardens.
We will have brochures and order forms at Canvasback Supplies Adoption Day and the Purina Walk for Dog Guides this weekend. 
 Published: 20 September 2011
 Last Updated: 20 September 2011
 Hits: 1388
If you have a dog ... PLEASE read
this and send it on.  If you don't

have a dog, please pass along

to friends who do.  

Written by:
Laurinda Morris, DVM
Danville Veterinary Clinic
Danville , OH

This week I had the first case in history of raisin

toxicity ever seen at MedVet. My patient was

a 56-pound, 5 yr old male neutered lab mix

that ate half a canister of raisins sometime

between 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM on Tuesday.  He

started with vomiting, diarrhea and shaking

about 1 AM on Wednesday but the owner didn't

call my emergency service until 7 AM.

I had heard somewhere about raisins AND

grapes causing acute Renal failure but hadn't

seen any formal paper on the subject. We

had her bring the dog in immediately. In the

meantime, I called the ER service at MedVet,

and the doctor there was like me - had heard

something about it, but... Anyway, we

contacted the ASPCA National Animal Poison

Control Center and they said to give IV fluids

at 1 & 1/2 times maintenance and watch the

kidney values for the next 48-72 hours.

The dog's BUN (blood urea nitrogen level) was

already at 32 (normal less than 27) and

creatinine over 5 (1.9 is the high end of normal).

Both are monitors of kidney function in the

bloodstream. We placed an IV catheter and

started the fluids. Rechecked the renal values

at 5 PM and the BUN was over 40 and creatinine

over 7 with no urine production after a liter of

fluids.  At that point I felt the dog was in acute

renal failure and sent him on to MedVet for a

urinary catheter to monitor urine output overnight

as well as overnight care.

He started vomiting again overnight at MedVet

and his renal values continued to increase

daily. He produced urine when given lasix as a

diuretic. He was on 3 different anti-vomiting

medications and they still couldn't control his

vomiting. Today his urine output decreased

again, his BUN was over 120, his creatinine was

at 10, his phosphorus was very elevated and his

blood pressure, which had been staying around

150, skyrocketed to 220 ... He continued to vomit

and the owners elected to Euthanize.

This is a very sad case - great dog, great owners

who had no idea raisins could be a toxin. Please

alert everyone you know who has a dog of this

very serious risk.

Poison control said as few as 7 raisins or grapes could

be toxic. Many people I know give their dogs grapes

or raisins as treats including our ex-handler's. Any

exposure should give rise to immediate concern.

Onions, chocolate, cocoa, avocadoes and macadamia nuts can

be fatal, too.

Even if you don't have a dog, you might have friends

who do. This is worth passing on to them.

Confirmation from Snopes about the above .....

 Published: 18 September 2011
 Last Updated: 18 September 2011
 Hits: 1410
It's that time of year again!  Now that fall is on it's way, the second annual Manitoba Pet Expo is almost here!

This year's Expo will be held on Sunday, September 18th at Sophie's Dognasium (1469 St. James St.).  This is a pet-friendly venue, so please feel free to bring your well-socialized, fully vaccinated four-legged pal!  Admission is $2, kids 12 and under and dogs are FREE!  At the Expo, you'll find an assortment of pet-related vendors and displays, a number of animal rescue groups out showing off their adoptable dogs, scheduled demonstrations and a doggie kissing booth!   There will also be fun for the kids, the amazing Coralee Penner from Red Photo Co. on hand to take pet portraits of your furry friend, and a barbeque and canteen onsite so you don't go hungry!  
Don't miss the chance to give your pooch a pedicure!  The Professional Pet Groomer's Assocation of Manitoba (PPGAM) will also be on hand doing nail trims, with proceeds going to benefit the Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba!
For a full listing of exhibitors and rescue groups attending, visit our website at  Attached as well is the official event poster - please post where you can or send along to friends, family, neighbors, everyone!  See you there!
Jessica & Lindsay
 Published: 07 September 2011
 Last Updated: 07 September 2011
 Hits: 1316
Poop Bag Boxes
We have some new poop bag boxes around the park. One of our park people has made some new boxes for us. Restock the bag holders and please help keep the park clean!

 Published: 22 July 2011
 Last Updated: 22 July 2011
 Hits: 1243

There was a fire next door at Little Mountain Sportsplex.

By John Woods Winnipeg Free Press Friday, July 22, 2011

Firefighters from Winnipeg-area rural municipalities fight a fire at Little Mountain Sportsplex northwest of Winnipeg in the RM of Rosser on Thursday. Efforts were hampered by Thursday's strong wind. No damage estimate was available.

 Published: 22 July 2011


Good Afternoon,
There have recently been some changes to the BTPRSM Executive Committee. We are sad to see the departure of Lindsay. Lindsay has moved onto some new exciting adventures in her life, and we wish her the best of luck with her future.
Some of you may have noticed that there has been a new name added to the bottom of the emails. Please help me welcome Rena to the BTPRSM Executive. Rena has been a great help in the last month and a half with all the events that have been going on. If you have not met Rena at one our events, please come by and see me and I will introduce to her. I would also like to thank all the other volunteers and supporters who have been so awesome in the last few months as well. You all know who you are!  :)
The main reason we are writing you today is to let you know about the dog playgroups that we host through the rescue.

Lindsay will continue to host the Pug Pals and Boston Buddies playgroup parties on her own. These playgroups are no longer affiliated with the Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba. 

With the New Year brings fresh starts. We have decided to start our own playgroup. The winter parties will be held at Sophie’s Dognasium at 1469 St James Street (between Saskatchewan and Dublin). Please see the attached link that takes you directly to our Meetup page.

We do not wish to compete with Pug Pals and Boston Buddies’ dates, and will make sure our playdates are not on the same days. We don’t know about you, but our dogs really look forward to getting together with their friends for an afternoon of fun and snorts. More opportunities to meet and play can only be better.

Keeping that in mind, we are looking at the possibility of holding our playgroups earlier in the day, say noon; or even moving the parties to Saturday. 

Here is where you can help. Please let us know if you have a preference of Saturday or Sunday and if you have a preference of noon or 2:30 or even a later time.
Each person who submits their preferences will have their names entered into a draw to win a Dog Themed Basket. We are really looking for your feedback on this, as these playgroups are desgined for socializing your dog when it's -40 outside or for going on pack walks at local off-leash dog parks. So we want these groups to work for everyone.
***We will post pictures of the Dog Themed Basket soon***

Please send your preferences, comments or any suggestions to Shaila Wise, our new playgroup coordinator at

She will contact you later in December with 2012 dates and times for our furry pals (and their humans) to get together.
Look forward to hearing back from all of you.
Jessica & Rena

 Published: 11 December 2011
 Last Updated: 11 December 2011
 Hits: 1280
Bald Eagle
I saw a Bald Eagle along the tree line in the Big Field. In talking to other people, I found that had been seen at other times as well.

 Published: 08 December 2011
 Last Updated: 08 December 2011
 Hits: 1295

Holiday Greetings Rescue Supporters,
FFFAS (Friends Fundraising for Animal Shelters), has offered to hold a bake sale for us Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern MB (BTPRSM) and Craig Street Cats (CSC). Proceeds from this sale will be split between each of our rescues!
Bake Sale
When: December 11, 2011
Where: North Kildonan Community Club, 1144 Kingsford Place
Time: 10am-3pm

All baked goods must be dropped off at 222 Kilbride Ave, no later than December 10th.
You can also drop them off at the sale on December 11th.
Baking must be packaged in 6 or 12, with the exceptions to pies, breads, loaves, and cakes. Please include the recipe or label the ingredients on a tag.
Baked goods needed (many different varieties of):
If you have any questions you can contact us, or Karen @
Thank you everyone for you continued support!
Jessica & Rena

 Published: 05 December 2011
 Last Updated: 05 December 2011
 Hits: 1263
Noticed my diamond earring missing today after walking in the park.  Don't know for sure if it's in the park.  Four small diamonds clustered together so it looks like one big diamond.  If you find it, I sure would appreciate a phone call  981-2074.

 Published: 23 November 2011
 Last Updated: 23 November 2011
 Hits: 1277
Mystery in Little Mountain Park

by Wayne Glowacki Winnipeg Free Press Tuesday November 15, 2011 pg A3

"RCMP were keeping silent after a vehicle was found mysteriously submerged in the bottom of a pond Monday afternoon at Little Mountain Park on Farmer Road near Brookside Boulevard. police asked a Free Press photographer to leave the scene. Later, RCMP spokeswoman SGT. Line Karpish said RCMP were still investigating and she could not offer information about the vehicle".


 Published: 16 November 2011
 Last Updated: 17 November 2011
 Hits: 1331

Hi everyone,


Many of you know that Christmas is the worst time of year for rescue animals. Generally, the influx of animals is huge and we try our best to keep pace with all the unfortunate dogs that come into our care, many of them with medical needs that they need treatment for.


This year, we're focusing on a few great fundraisers that will help you with your Christmas shopping and entertaining, and at the same time, help out our rescue with a portion of the proceeds raised donated the rescue!


1) Mom's Pantry Fundraiser - See the Mom’s Pantry Order Form to place your order. Mom's Pantry also offers online ordering and for each online order the rescue received 2% bonus commission. (See attached instructions for Online Ordering)
All orders must be in by Wednesday, November 30th. If you prefer to place your order with us payment can be made by cash or cheque. Cheques can be made to BTPRSM. You can hand in order forms to us in person or by mail.

BTPRSM ~ P.O. Box 51063 RPO Tyndall Park ~ Winnipeg, MB ~ R2C 3X6

If you have any questions regarding this fundraiser, please email us at

2) Bothwell Cheese Fundraiser - See the Bothwell Cheese Order Form to place your order. All orders must be in by Wednesday, November 30th. Payment can be made by cash or cheque. Cheques can be made to BTPRSM. You can hand in order forms to us in person or by mail.


BTPRSM ~ P.O. Box 51063 RPO Tyndall Park ~ Winnipeg, MB ~ R2C 3X6


If you have any questions regarding this fundraiser, please email us at


3) Gift Card Fundraiser - This is the same company we fund raised with last year. Attached is the order form for you to print and send to your family and friends, and collect orders. Payment can be made by cash or cheque. Cheques can be made to BTPRSM. All orders must be in by Wednesday, November 30th. You can hand in order forms to us in person or by mail.


BTPRSM ~ P.O. Box 51063 RPO Tyndall Park ~ Winnipeg, MB ~ R2C 3X6


If you have any questions regarding this fundraiser, please email us at


4) Epicure Selections ~ Extraordinary Cheese Dip Fundraiser – See the attached Epicure Fundraiser Order Form. You get three jars of dips (Lemon Dilly, Cheese, Chives and Bacon & Herb & Garlic), recipe booklet and a black Epicure Velcro bag for $20.00. (includes taxes & shipping)
Our wonderful Epicure Consultant Jessica has also sent us a list of In-Stock Epicure products she has. Please see the attached list. There is no shipping or taxes on any of the items on this list. Also attached is a copy of the Great Gift Collection sale.(ends November 22nd) If you are interested in purchasing any of the items she has in stock or that are on the Great Gift Collection Sale email Jessica at Jessica is donating 10% of the sales to the BTPRSM!



Our 3rd Annual Holiday Party is on Sunday, November 27th at The Pawsh Dog at 133 Marion Street from 2:30 -5:00 pm. We will also have our Holiday Pet Photos with Santa happening this day as well.


Photographs will be taken by award winning photographer Coralee Penner of red photo co. Please check out her beautiful work at

Photos are $15 each or 3 for $25 (for those with multiple dogs or who want multiple poses!). All monies raised will support the BTPRSM.


Many of our adorable adoptables will also be on hand so come and visit one of the many dogs in foster care with the rescue. Any donations of toys or food will be greatly accepted.


Refreshments will be provided for pet parents and our furry friends! Please see the attached poster for all details. Hope to see you there!


Executive Committee
Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba
"It's a dog's life!"


 Published: 14 November 2011
 Last Updated: 14 November 2011
 Hits: 1450
Craft Sale
From Lesley:

I'm going to be showing my artwork again at my friends, Krista, craft sale. Attached is a invite. I will only be there Saturday/Sunday December 3 & 4. The show is at 664 Niagara Street, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. Some artisans will accept Interac and Credit Cards. I am accepting cash and cheque.
I hope you can make it. If there is anyone you know that you think might be interested, feel free to pass on the invite.


 Published: 03 November 2011
 Last Updated: 05 November 2011
 Hits: 1345
Lost Dog
Lost Dog

Hi guys . I was informed today about the little Chinese Crested that was lost but was actually stolen. The owner has her back but had to pay the dog nappers 200.00 dollars to get her back. They were going to put her on kijij but their was so many pictures of her at the park that they phoned the owner and told her to come alone to get her dog . Apparently their are people targeting dog parks for small pedigree dogs. They steal them and then put them on kijiji and sell to the highest bidder. Tiffany the Chinese Crested pup was lucky she had such a fast thinking owner otherwise who knows where she would be. I thought you would like to know about this and tell all dog owners to watch their dogs carefully.  Sue........

My Chinese Crested Hairless went missing on October 16th at Little Mountain Dog Park around 2:30 pm. Her name is Tiffany. She has black and white hair on her head and paws, her tail is black, and the skin on her body is black with some spotting underneath. She is extremely shy and timid, but responds to the word " treat" very well. She is still scared of other dogs and people. In order for her to come to you, you must bend down to her level, speak very gently and tell her you have a treat. At the time she went missing she was wearing a red sweater. She is still a baby, only 9 months old and about 8 lbs. If you see her please call Laurie at 293-6340. I need to find her fast because she won't last long in the cold due to her having hardly any hair.

 Published: 18 October 2011

Puppy Abandoned On Highway

Update: The amazing puppy found on the highway has a new home! She has gone to a cattle farm, where she can learn to herd.

Thank you for posting her on the site.

My daughter found this starving puppy abandoned on the highway near Birtle. She stopped at several homes and all denied ownership. She is about 12 weeks old, perhaps border collie/spaniel. She has been with 6 other dogs for the past 2 days, gets along very well with all dogs, cats and toddlers. She is an alpha dog, in a good way. She is sweet, learns fast, and is inquisitive. I think she would do best with an experienced human, and she does not need to be an only dog. My daughter lives in the country but has been unsuccessful finding a local home. I will bring her back to Winnipeg tomorrow. I have de-wormed her, and we gave her the first shots. I don't want to put her in a shelter. She is doing really well now, and I don't want her to lose her social skills.

If you could post this, I would appreciate it.

If you post the ad, I would like to be contacted at :

I am attaching 2 photos.

Thank you so much.



 Published: 26 December 2011
 Last Updated: 29 December 2011
 Hits: 1322

Good Morning,
We have an exciting new project to tell you all about. BTPRSM is going to be putting together our first ever cookbook. We are very excited about this venture and hope that you are too!
Our cookbook will consist of 350 recipes. If you have a favorite recipe, then we want it :).
Below is what we would require when receiving your recipe submissions:

1) recipe (please double check the measurements to make sure its correct)
2) copyrighted recipes will not be accepted (as per cookbook printer)
3) put the name you would like published
(ex: Jane Doe or "Fluffy" Doe or in memory of "Fluffy" Doe)
NOTE: please also make sure spelling of the name or company is correct)
4) what category your recipe would be filed under:
*soups, salads and sauces
*main courses
*breads and muffins
*for your pet

Our deadline for submissions is January 31 or until we have 350 recipes. Please feel free to forward this email to family and friends.

We are hoping to have the cookbooks ready early spring.
All recipes can be sent to and if you have any questions you can email us at that address as well.
We are really looking forward to see what yummy recipes our supporters will submit.
Jessica & Rena
Executive Committee
Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba
"It's a dog's life!"

 Published: 19 December 2011
 Last Updated: 19 December 2011
 Hits: 1421

Dear Rescue Supporters,
Many of you already know about Buddy, the dog euthanized by the Winnipeg Humane Society on Tuesday night. Justice for Buddy is holding a vigil for Buddy on Friday December 16th, 7:30pm. We will be at Assiniboine Park and it will take place just inside the main gates in the field across from the conservatory.
We urge you to come out and show your support for Buddy, a life lost due to the negligence of the Winnipeg Humane Society! If you can't join us at the vigil please show your support on the Facebook page called "Justice For Buddy". This tragedy should have never happened, let's not let it happen again!!!!
For those of you who haven't heard about Buddy here is his story....
Taken from an email by Sherri to C.E.O. Mr. Bill McDonald
"Mr. McDonald,
It is with a very heavy heart that I an sending this e-mail to you tonight. You see I have now lost all faith in the Winnipeg Humane Society, to the point I will no longer offer my support which I have been giving regularly for the past 20 years. Let me explain how this has come to be. A very dear friend of mine found a dog on November 25th 2012 whom we call Buddy, and we actively searched for his owners. When his owners did not come forward by Monday November 28th we had to decide what the best option for Buddy would be. I phoned the W.H.S. to obtain information about bringing Buddy there and asked specific questions regarding the "euthanasia policy". I was informed that as long as the "form" was signed Buddy would NOT be euthanized. My friend Lee-Anne had Buddy in her care and had developed a great relationship with him over the 4 days he was with her. Lee-Anne made the trip to the W.H.S with her brother to do what we thought was BEST for Buddy. Lee-Anne was horribly distraught and continued to ask the staff questions and AGAIN she was told that by signing the form Buddy would be safe and not be euthanized. Lee-Anne received a "courtesy call" from your shelter manager Claire today to inform her that Buddy was being put down because his assessment showed that he was both object and food aggressive. Lee-Anne pleaded with Claire and told her how grossly misinformed we had been but Claire said that there was nothing we could do because Buddy was a "dangerous" dog. Buddy has been in the care of the W.H.S. since the evening of November 28th, five days he was on hold waiting for owners to come forward. His assessment must have been a short one as he has already been sentenced to death. After speaking with Lee-Anne I called Claire myself and offered to pay to have a second opinion from a behavior trainer after having them work with him a period. I offered to pay board for Buddy at the W.H.S while this was being done so that there would not be a financial burden. This was all offered because I was told that under NO circumstances would Buddy be released to either myself or Lee-Anne because it was a liability to the W.H.S. I have shown my support to the W.H.S for over 20 years and the one and only animal that I have personally entrusted to them is going to be killed even though I have offered to have a trainer (at my expense) assist in the situation. This does not sit right with me and I am VERY upset. I was told by Claire that the assessment was done by a qualified trainer and that the decision was not taken lightly that it was made by a board. I want a meeting set up with both the trainer and the board that has determined Buddy's fate so that Lee-Anne and I can hear first hand why they came to the conclusion that Buddy would be better off dead. I am also requesting to see the certification of the trainer that assessed Buddy. This meeting can be set up at the convenience of the trainer and the board members, Lee-Anne and I will make ourselves available to attend the meeting. I am asking that you stop the euthanasia of Buddy and allow us to bring in a trainer at my expense to have him reevaluated. I also ask that you have your staff better trained as both Lee-Anne and I were given the wrong information. HAD WE KNOWN THIS COULD HAPPEN BUDDY WOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN ENTRUSTED TO THE W.H.S. Lee-Anne and myself have both worked for an animal shelter and we are both very active in animal rescue, this is NOT what we expected from the Winnipeg Humane Society. Incidentally I was also told by Claire that we would not be able to say goodbye to Buddy. Is the W.H.S that INHUMANE that an animal should have to die against our will and without our paying our last respects? I do expect to hear from you at your earliest convenience Mr. McDonald."

Winnipeg Free Press - PRINT EDITION

Society learning lesson in humanity
Outpouring of anger prompts changes
By: Gordon Sinclair Jr.

Posted: 12/15/2011 1:00 AM
THE DOGS DAYS OF WINTER... It's hard to know if it's simply damage control, lessons learned the hard way, or a combination of both.

But Winnipeg Humane Society CEO Bill McDonald says the organization is about to make some changes as a result of two recent cases involving the surrender and, ultimately, the euthanizing of dogs that the people who gave them up wanted back.

Unfortunately, all this comes too late for Buddy, as it did for the family of the little girl with cancer that hoped to get their dog back after it was surrendered because they didn't have the money for a vet.

On Wednesday, McDonald alluded to both cases and what they've taught the humane society about being more clear in its communications.

But, obviously, it was Buddy's case, and the outpouring of online anger it generated, that has finally prompted the promise of change.

Lee-Anne Tesluk found Buddy Nov. 25 in the front yard of an Old Kildonan home. He looked like a big, scary, pit-bull-faced dog, but he was affectionate with Lee-Anne and over the next few days they bonded. Lee-Anne and a friend from the animal rescue community, Sherri Van Wynsbergh, would have kept Buddy themselves, but both already have three dogs. Finally, four days later, the two women decided their best option was to turn Buddy over to the humane society. But only if the WHS assured them Buddy would not be euthanized.

Sherri said she got that assurance over the phone from an WHS employee. And later, when Lee-Anne took Buddy to the WHS shelter, she signed him over believing that same assurance -- although the WHS policy does allow for euthanizing of dogs for medical cause, or if they are judged to be dangerous.

Then Tuesday, Lee-Anne received a call from the humane society. Buddy had been deemed dangerous. An assessment had shown that Buddy was both object and food aggressive.

He had to be put down, she was told.

Otherwise, if he was released injured someone, the WHS could be held liable.

Outraged, Sherri sent McDonald an email Tuesday night requesting an appeal and what amounted to a stay of execution.

"I am asking that you stop the euthanasia of Buddy," Sherri wrote McDonald, "and allow us to bring in a trainer at my expense to have him re-evaluated."

Apparently, it was already too late.

On Wednesday afternoon McDonald called and told them Buddy had been put down Tuesday night. Later that afternoon McDonald returned my call. He acknowledged the humane society had some work to do. He said they will have to review the surrender documents to make them clearer to the public. And he said they want to work out an agreement whereby dogs in similar cases can be transferred to other shelters that would take responsibility for their care and, hopefully, their rehabilitation.

As for Buddy and Sherri's offer of paying for a second opinion, in retrospect, McDonald offered this.

"We should have stepped back and given that a thought."

Sherri is unimpressed by the humane society's afterthoughts.

"I'm disgusted... this should not have happened."

We hope to see you there tomorrow night to show your support for Buddy.


Jessica & Rena

 Published: 17 December 2011
 Last Updated: 17 December 2011
 Hits: 1828
Manitoba Mutts
Are you looking to adopt a pet, go to Manitoba Mutts to see if there is someone  out there for you.



 Published: 13 December 2011