Little Mountain Park Conservancy       Group Inc.
For The Love of Our Park
 Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association 




Over the winter the trails have become pretty messy with people not cleaning up after their dogs. There are lots of poop bag holders all around the park and winter is a very easy time to look after things. In the spring we are talking about another park clean-up but for now lets start a campaign to look after the park. Sally Hull put forward a slogan: " We love our park, and want to keep it. Remember ... Pup !!! Pick Up Poop "


 Published: 29 January 2009

Dogs on line
Winnipeg dogs is offering a right to your home E-mail edition. This will let you keep right up to-date with any events that are going on around our city. Sign up up at .
 Published: 16 January 2009
How cold is it ?
Just how cold is it in Winterpeg ? Here's a really COOL fact for you , on Wednesday January 14 2009 the North Pole 6 A.M. temperature was - 27 C and the South Pole 6 A.M. temperature was - 26 C. At 6 A.M.  in Winnipeg our temperature was - 34 C with a wind chill of - 50 C. Kinda makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn't it !
 Published: 16 January 2009
Photo Contest
Everybody say cheese, Winnipeg Dogs is having it's second annual photo contest. For the full list of rules and all the prize goodies, go to
 Published: 03 January 2009

Watch out, look out. Some ( insert word of your choice ) person dumped what looks like a cleaner on the ground in front of the North parking lot near the club house. Please keep your dogs away from it. Hopefully it will get warm enough to melt it away.Details
 Published: 12 March 2009
Good Friend
From St. Catharines Ontario we have Pete Dowan. A wonderful song writer who has created a song dedicated to all our four legged friends and their two legged people. Pete has been working from his basement on donated equipment because of a medical disability.

"Here's a History of the Song; For the first few years that I had my current health condition I had a very difficult time walking. one of my doctors figured out the reason, and when that was dealt with, it was up to me to get myself "going". That's where our dog, 'Scuttle' came in. He bugged me daily to take him out ... wouldn't let up until I did so. His determination was catching, and within a year we were both going on outings that I never dreamed I'd be able to do again. As a thank you, I wrote the song for him ( rest in peace my boy).

If you know it's about a dog, the lyrics jump out at you as being obvious, but if you don't, there's only one line that definitely points to it." - Pete Dowan

There are three links to follow if people wish to download the song.


Here is a Earth Day song that Pete has added

* itunes:



* I'll re-print this in our web link section

 Published: 07 March 2009
North Winds
North Winds Dog Club is having its show on March 27,28,29 2009 at St. Norbert Community Center. 3450 Pembina Hwy., St. Norbert. For show times go to www.northwindsdogclub.caDetails
 Published: 01 March 2009
New Blog
Here's a new Dog Blog that was just started up, .
 Published: 23 February 2009

Watch Out
Watch out for some broken glass jars around the dumpster in the North parking lot. We'll have to wait till spring to clean it all up.
 Published: 18 February 2009
Cocoa Mulch
Over the weekend the doting owner of two young lab mixes purchased Cocoa Mulch from Target to use in their garden. They loved the way it smelled and it was advertised to keep cats away from their garden. Their dog Calypso decided that the mulch smelled good enough to eat and devoured a large helping. She vomited a few times which was typical when she eats something new but wasn't acting lethargic in any way. The next day, mom woke up and took Calypso out for her morning walk. Half way through the walk, she had a seizure and died instantly.

Although the mulch had No warnings printed on the label, upon further investigation on the company's website, this product is HIGHLY toxic to dogs and cats.

Cocoa Mulch is manufactured by Hershey's, and they claim that ' It is true that studies have shown that 50% of the dogs that eat Cocoa Mulch can suffer physical harm to a variety of degrees ( depending on each individual dog). However, 98% of all dogs won't eat it.'

Cocoa Mulch, which is sold by Home Depot, Foreman's Garden Supply and other Garden supply stores, contains a lethal ingredient called Theobromine. It is lethal to dogs and cats. It smells like chocolate and it really attracts dogs. They will ingest this stuff and die. Several deaths already occurred in the last 2-3 weeks. Theobromine is in all chocolate, especially dark or baker's chocolate which is toxic to dogs. Cocoa bean shells contain potentially toxic quantities of theobromine, a xanthine compound similar in effects to caffeine and Theophylline. A dog that ingested a lethal quantity of garden mulch made from cacao bean shells developed severe convulsions and died 17 hours later. Analysis of the stomach contents and the ingested cacao bean shells revealed the presence of lethal amounts of Theobromine. 

 Published: 10 February 2009
Garbage dump
Sunday morning was a fun time at the ole' park. Some kind soul on Saturday night dumped all the full Garbage Bags along the trails. We straighted things out as best we could, but with only small bags there is only so much that we could do. Many thanks to all the people that brought a shovel and help clean up the mess. After hours things like this happen.
 Published: 09 February 2009
Guest Book Is Disabled
Due to an increasing amount of guest book spam in the last couple of weeks (originating in Spain of all places), this part of the site has been shut down.  A harder-to-attack solution will replace it in the next week or so, thank you for your patience.  -KN.Details
 Published: 30 January 2009

Special Guest
We had a special guest at the park yesterday, April 15. Charlene Adam from the Winnipeg Free Press dropped by for a walk and chat about what's happening at Little Mountain Park. Stay tuned for more information.

For a copy of the story that appeared in the Free Press go

 Published: 17 April 2009
Golden Retrievers
Please share this information with anyone you know who might be looking for two beautiful retrievers.

Hi everyone ...

I have attached a picture of two adorable Golden Retrievers ( the one on the left is Beaver and the one on the right is Otter). They are currently in the care of the Golden Retriever Rescue. They are 4-1/2 year old males ( litter mates ) who need a good home together.

They are both in good shape ( not overweight ) and love to go for long walks. They seem to have some form of wheat allergy that shows up as ear problems. Lamb and Rice dog food seems to keep that at bay. They are good with children.

Their owners are going through personal problems and could no longer keep them.

For more information on these two dogs, please contact Jennifer at 896-1678, Thanks

 Published: 30 March 2009
Park Clean-up
Park clean-up update. April 25 , 10:30 till noon ( ish) . We are still looking at Tim's to help out with coffee and doughnuts. Unless we get more snow !!! Gee Thanks !!! Details
 Published: 26 March 2009
Puggle needs a New Home
Good morning folks.

Sorry for the mass e-mail but a client of mine desperately needs to find a new home for their Puggle. He is 6 months old, fawn in colour, has the nose of a Beagle and unmatched cuteness. He is owned by the son of a client of mine and the son doesn't have enough time for the little guy. So if you, or anyone else you know is looking for a little dog who is as cute as a button, let me know and I'll forward you on to my client.

He's great with kids ( spends a lot of time at a human daycare), great with other dogs, housetrained, knows some commands and did I mention he is super cute?

Up-date - March 23/ 09. The owner has decided to keep the pup.

Thanks, Heather

Pudgy Dog.

P.S. I think his name is Bruiser. Or Cruiser or something like that ...

*This Baxton, we don't have a picture of Bruiser but he looks very similar.
 Published: 20 March 2009
Guest Book
Our Guest Book has been re-installed, once again!Details
 Published: 19 March 2009

Dangerous Breed
If you are an owner of a dog that belongs to a 'dangerous breed' catagory and you have a small child please take this as a warning. Don't leave your dog with the child unattended under any circumatances. Only a little moment was enough for the following to happen ..

 Published: 18 March 2009

Spring Clean-up
Hey kids, it's that time of the year again. Winter has finally seen fit to let go ( I say that very , very softly) of its grip. We were thinking of having our Spring Clean-up again. On Saturday April 25 / 09. Tim's I think is supplying coffee and doughnuts. Stay tuned for times and such. Remember to bring a shovel, your S.K'ers and a good healthy smile. Lets go clean up our park so everybody can enjoy it.Details
 Published: 16 March 2009

New Sign
Here's a new sign that we are going to post all around the park:

Attention Dog Owners:

In order to keep our Park and Trails in good walking order, please pick up after your pup and tell the owner of any other dog you see that they have a pick up. Bags are available at the Box's throughout the Park, and more will be coming. Also if you see any or have any garbage,Please put it in the bins provided. Help keep our park clean.

Thank You , LMPPOA.

 Published: 15 March 2009

Poison Ivy / Oak
Yep,they are out there. Along with the ticks, our favourite plant's are in full bloom again!


 Published: 21 May 2009
Grass Fire
Looks like some kind soul tried to set the grass on fire in the Natural Field next to the Big Field. And people think that our dogs need to be on leashes !


 Published: 21 May 2009
Park Crew
Our City Parks Crew is back in action again for another season. The new grounds keeper's names are Lida and Chris. The water tap located at the Club House should be turned on shortly.


 Published: 19 May 2009

Barb Wire
<>There was some barb wire located down the golf course trail that we got rid of today. I couldn't get it all because of the tree root over growth. Thanks to the person or persons, that spotted and marked it.

 Published: 05 May 2009
Brace yourselves kids, we've had our first tick report of the season, April 28 2009. Time for the Heart Worm pills ! Also, it is getting warmer out there, ( slowly ) so remember to bring water with you.


 Published: 30 April 2009
May 12
Tuesday ,May 12th is Manitoba Day. 139 years old,Cheers!


 Published: 29 April 2009

Wow, what a great clean-up day we had. I thought Mother Nature was going to play a cruel joke on us with some more snow! However, we couldn't have asked for a nicer day.The sun came out and it became nice and warm real fast. Thanks to everybody who made this years event a great success and a very big thank you to Dave, manager of Tim Horton's who supplied the coffee and doughnuts. I'll add a picture file for the Clean-up. Thanks again to everybody for coming out and helping make Little Mountain special!Details
 Published: 25 April 2009
1 Year Later
It's been almost a year since we started this little project of ours. Please drop us a note and tell us how we did, what we did right and what we have done wrong! Is there any changes that need to be made, taken out or added in! Let us know.


 Published: 19 April 2009

Sally and Riddle
Tuesday July 14, Sally Hull and Riddle are the featured story today in Charlene Adam's colume in the Winnipeg Free Press. Good on you !Details
 Published: 14 July 2009

Lost Dog
Lost Dog

Name: Lucius

Black & White 5 Year old Chichuahua

Lost or stolen from yard , July 5 around 10 Am

** $1000 Reward No Questions Asked**


Needs medication !!

 Published: 14 July 2009
French Bulldog
Boston Terrier/Pug Rescue

We are pleased to announce that we are now the Manitoba affiliate of the International French Bulldog Rescue Network!

We were contacted by them on Sunday to assist in the relinquishment of Six beautiful Frenchies!

They were in a gang tagged house on Pritchard Avenue in the worst part of the city.

All six dogs have been used repeatedly as breeding dogs and are in poor condition. Their coats are dull and scruffy, several of them have ear infections, all of them will need dentals, spaying and neutering. Some of them have growths on their legs that will need to be checked.

They are with us in emergency foster care and are being cleaned and cared for. We will be participating in a transport to North Dakota this weekend to get these babies into long term foster care.

Any donations t assist us in the care of these sweet little surprises would be greatly appreciated! They all need to have their vaccinations done before they can cross into the U.S. on saturday.

Thank you so much for your continued support and please contact us if you are ever interested in adopting a Frenchie! We will work with the FBRN to have one brough into Manitoba for you.

If you see a Frenchie in need, please contact us at

 Published: 11 July 2009

Our grounds keeper, Chris has created a 'Hope' garden in front of the Club House. Good on you, let's all work to help keep it clean and well kept.

Lida ( *sorry, I misspelled your name ), and Chris in front of the Hope ( the garden is still there and doesn't get trashed) Garden!

 Published: 08 July 2009

Garage Sale
Fundraising Garage Sale - this Saturday !!

The Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Manitoba is hosting a Fundraising Yard sale on Saturday, July 11th from 9am. to 3pm. All proceeds from the sale will go directly to the rescue to help with our growing vet bills.

The yard sale will be held at 19 Christenson Place in Tyndall Park.

If you have items you would like to donate to the rescue, please email us at for pick up or drop them off on the day of the yard sale.

As always we will have a table with rescue information, our adorable adoptables, dog cookie kits, and other related merchandise.

Come on out and say "Hi" and bring your furry friend for a visit. Hope to see you there!

 Published: 08 July 2009
Foster Homes
Multiple Foster Homes Urgently Needed !!

The Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Manitoba has received word from their rescue colleagues in Nebraska and Missouri that several puppy mills are going out of business ... while this is fantastic news, it does mean that approximately 15 Pugs and 20 Boston Terriers will be released into high kill shelters ( 5 days ) or rescues in the area.

Most of the rescues are already over capacity due to other closers and the U.S. Recession.

If we can find foster homes for these poor babies, we will arrange a transport to the U.S. to pick as many as we can up.

These dogs will need medical care, housetraining, socialization.

We require our foster homes to have a fully fenced yard.

If you are up for a challenge or know someone who might be; please contact us.

If your not able to foster ... Donations for their care will be urgently needed!

Carole, Jessiica, Linday

Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Mb.

It's a Dog's LifeDetails
 Published: 19 June 2009
Pawsitively Wild Pet Show
The Pawsitively Wild Pet Show is on again this year out a Assinoboine Downs Race Track ( Red River Park ),on September 12 and 13 th. Last year was a great success. It looks like the Great Manitoba Dog Party won't be happening this year, too bad.Details
 Published: 13 June 2009

Puppies Found
We at Little Mountain Park wish to say that we are very sorry about posting this story. It should never have been put up as we did not have the owners consent. The puppies have we are happy to say found homes. Once again, we are sorry for any hassel this has caused.



Hot Dog

Hot Dog Fundraiser - Saturday, August 1

The BTPRSM will be out at the Sobey's on Reenders in Transcona ( 7 Reenders Dr., at Lagimodiere), hosting a Hot Dog Sale to raise funds for our vet costs.

The sale will run from 11am to 4pm, so please feel free to come out and enjoy a hot dog and a drink, while supporting a great cause at the same time! Besides ... what else is there to do on a cool long weekend Saturday but grocery shop? Feel free to bring your pooch along for a visit with the BTPRSM Executive Committee and check out some of the merchandise we have for sale, including collar charms, magnets and our homemade Peanut Butter Dog Cookie Kits.

 Published: 01 August 2009

Kennel Cough
Just a heads up people, we have had some Kennel Cough cases reported so be careful when sharing water!Details
 Published: 26 July 2009

Sally Hull, Riddle and Leo will be at the Hull's Haven Fundraiser on Saturday, July 25 at 11 am at The Buck Boutique in Transcona. Admission is $5.00 and you can even get Riddle's " Pawtograph"!Details
 Published: 26 July 2009
Winnipeg Sun Saturday July 25, 2009

Laurie Mustard Page Six

Sally Hull of Hull's Haven Border Collie Rescue about Riddle, the rescue pooch born with no eyes.

" Hi Laurie! I just wanted to give you an update on our lad Riddle. Monday, Ruth and I took Riddle and some of the other dogs to a school-age daycare program to teach the kids about rescue, and also about not placing limitations on yourself.

" It was fabulous! The message was 'Yes I can' and they truly got it. We brought in two dogs at first, Riddle and Jack. Riddle caught a ball, Jack didn't. We asked the kids 'Which dog is blind'? Most said Jack ... except those who had read about Riddle in the paper!

" In this daycare there's a little boy named Leo, who is legally blind. What a sweet kid. And wouldn't you know, Riddle adored him, and vice versa. This shot of them will be the cover of our 2010 Calender! Sally"


 Published: 26 July 2009
Hey kids, I found that somebody had placed a supply of these Skooperbox's in the poop bag holders, ( what's left of them, we'll fix those up in the fall ), if the City goes ahead with it's plans for getting rid or limiting of the plastic bags this might be something to look at. I've emailed the company to see where and if we can get some in the city. Stay tuned !

 Published: 25 July 2009
Yard Sale
The Boston Terrier/Pug Rescue of Manitoba is hosting a Fundraising Yard Sale on Saturday, July 25th From 9am - 3pm. All proceeds from the sale will go directly to the rescue to help with our growing vet bills.

The Yard Sale will be held at 354 Rosedale near Osborne and Jubilee.

If you have items you would like to donate to the rescue, please email us at for pick up or drop them off on the day of the yard sale.

 Published: 24 July 2009
Pug Pals/Boston Buddies July Barbeque! ( )

We've heard tons of feedback saying that it would be nice if we could do a summer barbeque as one of our events for the rescue and our Pug Pals Boston Buddies playgroup. So - here it is, our first annual summer barbeque, on July 26 ! Here are the details:


What: Pug Pals Boston Buddies Summer Barbeque - your $3.00 admission ( per person ) will get you a smokie and a drink, plus there will be chips and dessert available! And of course ... we never let your pooch go home empty-handed ...

Who: Everyone! Spouses, Kids, Friends - and don't forget to bring your friends!

When: Sunday, July 26th from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Where: 2022 Loudoun Rd. in Charleswood - Carole's House! She has a very large fully fenced yard so the dogs can go crazy running around like the monkeys they are!

Why: Who doesn't love a summer barbeque! It will be a great way for our dogs to get together with their buddies and have a blast! And we can enjoy what will hopefully be some hot weather!

RSVP: Either via the Pug Pals Boston Buddies playgroup website (  -note that if you are not a member already, you would need to create a user account in order to RSVP ) or through this email address.

Please note that it is very important to RSVP as we need to have accurate numbers in prder to make sure we have enough food and drinks. The last day to RSVP is Friday, July 24. Don't hesitate - RSVP now! If circumstances change after you have RSVP'd, please let us know as soon as possible.

As usual, we'll have our adotables displayed and some of our merchandise out, including our Homemade Cookie kits, collar charms, and Simply Delicious chocolate bars. Make sure you bring a lawn chair and some sunscreen/bug spray, and we'll be ready to go!

Hope to see you all there! Thanks for the support!

 Published: 19 July 2009
Close Up
We're Ready For Our Close Up!

Exciting news! The Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba is going to be famous!! Well...locally famous, or perhaps famous with the early risers?

We are going to be appearing on Breakfast Television the Thursday, July 16th! Tune in between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. ( around 7:15 a.m. ) and we will have a segment durning Breakfast Televisions pet segment. we'll have some of our adoptables, as well as 2 Executive Committee members, so don't miss it! watch it, tape it, PVR it - we'll be discussing pet rescue in the province, as well as discussing our recent transport of the Nebraska Eleven!

 Published: 15 July 2009

Good News, Sad News
We have some good news and some not so good news. What do you want first? Okay we'll go with the not so good news first. Our grounds keeper, Chris will be leaving us this Friday Aug. 21st. That will be his last day, he is going back school to take Pharmacy. Lida and Chris have done a wonderful job this year taking care of our park and are going to be missed. I don't know if Lida will be returning next year or not, stay tuned on that one.

Now, the good news! Before going back to school, Chris is going to be getting married! Good on you! They will be spending their honeymoon in Jamaica. Let's hope that they stay in touch with us and send some wedding pictures in!

 Published: 18 August 2009
The BTPRSM will be in the spotlight again this Thursday, August 20th, when we appear on Breakfast Television for the second time! We will be bringing a couple of dogs with us that are available for adoption and talking with Breakfast Television about us. Our interview time is TBA, but I am anticipating around 7:00am. Please tune in to catch our segment as the Featured Pet of the Week!Details
 Published: 18 August 2009
Wasp Nests
We have a report of a large wasp's nest near the West parking lot along the Big Field edge. With the weather getting cooler (?, 'nuff said about that), the Wasps will be getting more aggressive. People with allergies to stings should keep this in mind when they are out and about. Don't forget the Benadryl or bring a Epipin needle.

 Published: 16 August 2009

Lost Dog
We have lost dog named Miki. Phone (204) 955-3012, Thanks.


 Published: 09 August 2009
From Karen:

Last night, Thursday August 6th, at about 7:00 vandals broke into one of the cars in the North parking lot.

They smashed the mini-vans front  driver's side window and rummaged through the car and found the ladies purse. This poor woman had her prescription medication, her cell phone and her father's cell phone, all of her credit cards and her money as she was leaving the park to go out of town with her father. They had just stopped to pick some berries to take with them.

It only takes a second to break into a car, so please make sure not to leave purses and wallets in your car! There are a lot of evil people out in the world.

 Published: 07 August 2009

Our grounds keepers, Lida and Chris have been busy again. We now have a new garden and a welcome to Little Mountain Park, wish we could see it from the air! Their first garden is doing very well, good on you two! There are more pictures in the 'Walking the Trail Picture File'.

 Published: 07 August 2009

Yard Sale
Yard Sale - Saturday, August 22nd

The Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Manitoba is hosting a Fundraising Yard Sale on Saturday, August 22 from 9am - 3pm. All proceeds from the sale will go directly to the rescue to help with our growing vet bills.

The yard sale will be held at 471 Beresford, near Osborne and Jubilee.

If you have items you would like to donate to the rescue, please email us at for pick up or drop them off on the day of the yard sale. We appreciate any and all donations you might have - or, feel free to drop by the day of the yard sale to say hello with your dog!

We'll have a variety of items available, as well as our rescue merchandise - homemade cookie kits, collar charms, and our Simply Delicious chocolate bars!

 Published: 04 August 2009


From the BTPRSM:

Need A New Harness ?

I'm sending this email on behalf of Kellie (Gizmo and Abby's mom, for those of you in our playgroup) as she is going to place an order with Puppia to order a harness and wanted to know if anyone else would be interested in ordering with her. You can go to their site and check out the harnesses. If you would like to order, email Kellie back at by Aug 3, please and thank you. The shipping and handling charges will be split between everyone who orders, likely around $10 an order. I personally love their soft harnesses - they are great for senior dogs or for dogs who don't have a lot of hair under their armpits, because they won't chafe.

 Published: 02 August 2009

Pawsitively Wild
From the Boston Terrier/Pug Rescue

 Join us September 12th and 13th at Red River Exhibition Park for a Pawsitively Wild family event. We are one of the Pawsitively Wild Pet Show's Charitable Partners this year and will be using the opportunity to raise funds for, and awareness of our organization. There will be two full days of programming including demonstrations, fun competitions, stage presentations and even a Fashion Parade involving adoptable shelter animals and local media celebrities. On Saturday September 12th, feature speaker Brad Pattison, host of the television program,' At the End of My Leash, will discuss his training methods using dogs from the audience as well as his buddy Rudy! For more information and show times, visit their website at .

 The mandate of the show is to promote responsible pet ownership and care by helping people find the best products and services for their companion animals, by introducing them to support groups who share a passion for their pet species, and by creating a fun and educational outing for the whole family. Pets are welcome but are the responsibilityof their owners and must be leashed, kennelled or otherwise controlled at all times.

Hope to see you there!

 Published: 08 September 2009

Here's a article that applies to all of us that have dogs and a backyard, or should I say, had a backyard! In the Homes section of the Winnipeg Free Press, Sunday September 6, 2009,  page D3, written by Jennifer Fong entitled  "Go ahead and turf that old lawn, Artificial grass the ticket for some," she talks about replacing your old worn down lawn with synthetic turf. This is something to consider if your backyard takes a beating like ours does. Photo's taken by Ed Kaiser/ Canwest News Service, Winnipeg Free Press.


 Published: 06 September 2009
It has been confirmed that we will be appearing again on Breakfast Television at 7:45 a.m. tomorrow. Please tune in to hear us discuss our rescue dogs, and see a couple of them in the flesh! we're very excited, and looking forward to the chance to show off some of our adorable adoptables! Don't miss it!Details
 Published: 02 September 2009
Blue Green Algae

From Sandra:

*stay tuned. Check the Winnipeg Dogs page for the story as well as the Free Press or go to the CTV records.

 Published: 28 August 2009
Blessing of the Animals

Sunday, October 4 th is St. Francis of Assisi Day in the Roman Catholic Church. St. Francis of Assisi is well known for his love of all animals. It has also become a day where many Faiths perform a Blessing for Animals. These ceremonies are performed at many churches throughout the city and it is not uncommon to see a procession of pets and their owners lining up for the service.

What better place to hold a Blessing for Animals than at Little Mountain where there are many species of animals, wild and domesticated. Does anyone know someone who could perform the service? Please contact us if you would like to help with the arrangements.

 Published: 26 August 2009
Here's something very cool. There is an organization concerned with the genetic stock of American Hazelnuts and wish's to broaden it's research base. They have asked that people who knew where stands of wild Hazelnuts were and to contact them. Susan did just that! She has collected 50 nut clusters from various parts of the park and sent them off. They were quite pleased to have the samples from so far north and feel they will be able to extract a hardness factor from them. So Little Mountain Park has made a contribution to the science world. Good on you Susan! If you are interested in reading about the research go to:

 Published: 24 August 2009

Hey gang, we might have a Ferrel Pig out at the park. One of our members dogs found where the pig had done it's bussiness ( out on the East side trail ),and rolled in it. Let's hope the rain washes it away and the pig keeps right on going. Ferrel pigs are not nice creatures and should be avoided.

 Published: 24 August 2009
From Leanne:

Hi there,

I just wanted to let you guys know that my dog got sprayed by a skunk yesterday ( Aug. 18 ) morning on the East side of the park. I was wondering if you could pass this info onto others to just be aware of the stinky guy running around the park.

Also if another pooch gets into trouble I have a recipe to get rid of the smell if anyone is interested.

1L Hyrogen Peroxide

1/4c. Baking Soda

1tsp. Liquid Dishwashing soap

Mix together, apply to affected area careful not to get into the eyes, rinse well.

Note: I washed my dog twice with this recipe and one more time should do the trick!

 Published: 19 August 2009

The rally was very successful! We took the councilor & the media for a walk through our 'designated' area, and then we took them to the restricted area and boy, did he get an eye opener! He didn't realize how large the park really was, especially the restricted area. I asked him to count how many joggers & cyclists he saw using this space. Guess what .. not one jogger or cyclist .. not one! The space was virtually empty. He was sure making a lot of notes. We also gathered about another 200 signatures so right now we are sitting at around 800 names! We will be petitioning for another week. Check out ( )and look for the story and you can play the actual newscast.Details
 Published: 27 September 2009
This Sunday morning, the 9:30 crew had their annual Hot Dog BBQ. Thanks so much, the pup's and ourselves had a wonderful time!

I've created a picture file in the 'Where are they now' section.

 Published: 27 September 2009

Looks like Kilcona off-leash park is safe ... for now.

Kilcona Park pet status safe, councillor says

by: Staff Writer

23/09/2009 11:27 AM

Winnipeg - The city has no plans to end the off-leash status of the Kilcona Dog Park, the area councillor said.

Jeff Browaty said this morning that rumours and reports that dogs will no longer be able to run free are wrong.

" That's not going to happen, " Browaty said.

A rally is planned for Saturday, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the park to protest what was called the end of the park's off-leash status.

Browaty said there were several complaints this summer about dogs running lose into areas of the park that are not off-leash, adding that prompted the city's Animal Services department to enforce the off-leash boundaries.

Bowaty said part of the problem is caused by poor signage.

" You can't fault the dog owners because the signs are brutal," Browaty said, adding the signage has been improved but he believes it's still not adequate.

Browaty said he has a proposal to exrend the off-leash area of the park.

The off-leash portion is restricted to an area north of a service road off McIvor Avenue.

Browaty said he wants to expand the off-leash area to include the parking lot and an area south of the service road.

" Basically, the only area that would not be off-leash is the toboggan hill," Browaty said.

Browaty said he will be at the Saturday rally.

 Published: 23 September 2009
Help Save Our Off-Leash Dog Parks !
From the BTPRSM

In the last year, several of Winnipeg's off-leash dog parks have faced cutbacks in space available for dog owners to use. For those who use Maple grove Dog Park, you'll know that part of the off-leash area is now an ultimate frisbee field. Other parks have imposed restrictions on space for dog owners to enjoy as well, and city councillors are considering making further changes to reduce space even further. Please come to a rally being held this Saturday to stop any future encroachment on off-leash space for dog owners! There will be media in attendance, so please come and STAND UP FOR OUR DOG PARKS!

Date: Saturday, September 26,2009

Time: 11:00 A.M.

Location: Kilcona Off-leash Dog Park ( located off Lagimodierre Blvd; the parking lot for the off-leash area is accessible off McIvor Ave).

If you are interested in gathering as a group, we will meet on the hill to the West of the parking lot. We'll be posting this on our meetup site as well ( ),so feel free to RSVP if you plan on coming. See you Saturday!

 Published: 22 September 2009
Dog Park Rally
Subject: Lobbying the City for more off-leash space/improvements

This comes from our friends at Kicona Park, they are planning a Dog Park Rally on Saturday September 26th at 11:00 am. People & their dogs will be meeting there and the media has been invited to attend ( CTV, Free Press, The Sun); as well, there may be some city councillors present. If any of your ( our ) users would like to attend, they are more than welcome. Hopefully, we can garner enough attention through the media to let the city know just how many dog-walkers there are using these off-leash areas thus forcing them to have a townhall meeting with the dog groups. We are also circulating a petition at Kilcona to gather names and let the city know how many people use the park and the frequency of visits. We just started circulating the petition yesterday; we were out for 3 hours and this a.m. I was out for one hour and so far we have gathered close to 150 signatures. We will be doing this all week up to the rally, and there will be a sign up sheet at the rally as well.

 Published: 22 September 2009
Garage Sale
From the BTPRSM

Hi everyone:

We're having our last garage sale of the season this Saturday, September 19 from 9 am to 3 pm! At 19 Christenson Place. We will have a huge blowout of all stock! There will be furniture, clothes, toys, pet merchandise, books and much much more!!

Fill a grocery bag with clothes for $1:00!

We'll have $0.25, $0.50, $1.00 and $2.00 tables to make your yard sale experience easier!

All proceeds from our yard sale go directly to the Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba to help pay for our vet bills and supplies for our fostered dogs.

Please feel free to come out if you can make it - we always love seeing our supporters and meeting new furry friends!

 Published: 18 September 2009

Missing :Wyatt
Missing Wyatt ( our friends dog and family member )

Good news, Wyatt was found last night Sept. 18 / 09 and happy to be home !


To all my friends: our friends dog is missing .... I know it's a long shot but if anyone hears anything at all please call me at home . Yes he was wearing his collar and tags .... Thanks Susan.

Thanks for your concern in helping us locate Wyatt. He was spooked by fireworks from Winnipeg Beach on Sunday September 6 th. We do have a reward out for his safe return, and I have been in contact with the Gimli vet, Humane Society and the Animal Control officers from the R.M.  of St. Andrews.

 Published: 15 September 2009
Pet Age
Sent in by Debbie from Planet Pup

Pet Age Calculator. This is really interesting web site, go on to

*if anybody else finds other interesting sites, send them in!

 Published: 12 September 2009

Southglen Veterinary Hospital
Southglen Veterinary Hospital - New Hours

The Southglen Veterinary Clinic is expanding their hours effective January 2 2010. They will now be open from 9 am to 12 midnight SEVEN DAYS A WEEK !

They will not be charging an additional fee for pets to be seen like the emergency clinic does.


V-730 St. Anne's Road

 Published: 28 December 2009

The City of Winnipeg will be conducting a controlled burn of the grassed area adjacent to the off-leash dog park between 9am and 2 p.m. Friday, November 20th. During this time we ask that you keep your dogs on-leash.

Fire plays an important role in the preservation and restorayion of prairies. Lack of fire allows weeds to invade these endangered plant communities.

If you would like to know more about habitat enhancement using fire, please conract 832-0167.

 Published: 21 November 2009
Kilcona Park
Kilcona Park has its new web  page up and running.Good job, please go to

 Published: 01 November 2009
Feelin' Crafty
The Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue sent me a list of dates that they will be having their craft tables on display so stop in and say 'Hi'!


  - Saturday - October 24th, 2009

    Scout's Craft Sale - Assiniboia West Community Club - 861 Buchanan Ave ~ 10 am to 3 pm.

  - Saturday, October 25th, 2009

    Howl 'O' Ween ~ Can-Do Canine Centre located in the Best West Pet Store at 1150 St. James Street~ 2:30 to 4 PM. Dress up your four legged friend and yourself if you like and come to BTPRMB's 1st Annual Howl 'O'Ween Bash ... There will be prizes and refreshments and treat bags for the pups!

 - Friday & Saturday, November 6th & 7th, 2009

  St. James Y Neighbors Craft Sale ~ Maranatha Evangelical Free Church ~  910 Sturgeon Road ~ Friday 6 - 9 PM and Saturday 10 AM to 3 PM. After the sale head over to our First Indoor Winter Playgroup ...

 - Saturday, November 7th, 2009

 Indoor Winter Playgroup at Hi-Flyers Agility Centre ~ 884 Bradford Street 3PM - 4PM. For a small admission to cover the rental fee ...  bring your four legged friend for an indoor play session. We will be serving our BTPRMB Blend of Fair Trade and Organic Coffee.

 - Saturday, November 14th, 2009

 The Charleswood Y Neighbors Craft Sale ~ Charleswood United Church ~ 4820 Roblin Blvd. 10 AM - 4 PM.

 - Saturday, November 21st, 2009

 Indoor Winter Playgroup at Hi-Flyers Agility Centre ~ 884 Bradford Street 3PM - 4PM. For a small admission to cover the rental fee ... bring your four legged friend for an indoor play session. We will be serving our BTPRMB Blend of Fair Trade and Organic Coffee.

 - Sunday, November 29th, 2009

 Creative Collection Craft Sale ~ Crescentwood Community Centre ~ 1170 Corydon Avenue 10 AM - 4 PM.

 - Sunday, December 6th, 2009

  Tuxedo Community Craft Sale ~ Tuxedo Community Centre ~ 365 Southport Drive ~ 10 AM to 3 PM. After the Craft Sale, join us at Can-Do Canine Centre for BTPRMB's   1st Annual Christmas Party ...

 - Sunday, December 6th, 2009

 1st Annual Christmas Party ~ Can-do Canine Centre located in Best West Pet Food Store at 1150 St. James Street ~ 2:30 PM - 4PM . Door prizes, refreshments and treat bags for the kids.

 - Saturday, December 12th, 2009

 Indoor Winter Playgroup at Hi-Flyers  Agility Centre ~ 884 Bradford Street 3PM - 4 PM. For a small admission to cover the rental fee ... bring your four

legged friend for an indoor play session, We will be serving our BTPRMB Blend of Fair Trade and Organic Coffee

 - Sunday, December 13th, 2009

 Last Chance Craft Sale ~ Canad Inns Regent Avenue ~ 1415 Regent Avenue West ~ 11:00 AM - 5 PM.


 Published: 11 October 2009

BBQ 2009