Buster On Patrol - Safety Tips
Buster On Patrol

Buster sniffing out crime in the Park.
Hello there, my name's Buster Roche. I live across the park off Inkster, It's my job to be the Little Mountain Park Security Patrol guard dog.
* Editor's note : Please beware that Buster is a farm dog and not fixed. He's very territorial and does get into fights with other dogs. Unless you know him ,give him a wide birth and keep control of the situation. I'm almost Sixteen now and I still like my walks!
Sad note, Buster passed away on March 6th 2014 at the age of 16.
I have to keep a watchful eye on the goings on at the park. As nice as it is to walk around and enjoy the surroundings there are things to be wary of.
Just how am I going to start ? Let's go with the easy one. Vandalism always a problem, the club house is constantly at risk and an easy target, that is why it must be locked up at night. Other forms of vandalism include the trashing cars, the West Parking lot because of it's seclusion is a favourite of thieves and ladies of the evening. The North parking lot is more open and not as easy a target. In this case a car was set ablaze in the parking lot.
Broken glass from late night parties and litter are also problems, please try to clean it up when you find it. Around the quarry is bad for that so be careful if you take your dogs in for a swim. Take a second and have a look before one of the pups cuts their paws.
(People have been setting fires outside of the fire pits provided).
Poop bag holders are all over the park and we try to keep them full so that other people can use them, but please explain to me what is the point of cleaning up after your dog and then hanging the bag from a tree or throwing it in the brush. I'm sorry, I maybe just a dog but I don't get it !

Buster and Lee
Snowmobiles, quads, 4 wheeler's and dirt bikes have on occasion invaded the park trails. These people operating these machines have been known to take runs at people and their dogs. Unfortunately the fence does not extend all the way down the East side of the park giving easy access to motorized intruders.
Now that summer ( well almost, maybe ! ) is here make sure you check for Ticks, you don't want any unwanted visitors come home with you ! Make sure that you bring plenty of water, dehydration will occur rapidly in the hot sun. With rains coming mosquitoes will be hatching, have you looked after the Heart Worm pills !
Also, here's something that KIl-cona and Maple Grove and LMPPOA have worked on, http://windog.ca/pet-iquette/. This is a printable edition of our Pet-iquette brochure.

The new sheriffs in town. Gunner and Patches making their rounds. Our buddy Blaze is still walking the trails as well!
Published: 04 April 2008
Last Updated: 08 February 2021
Hits: 18944