Little Mountain Park Conservancy       Group Inc.
For The Love of Our Park
 Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association 




We had a snowmobile enter the park today judging by the freshness of the tracks. It entered at the opening at the western edge of Players Golf Course and the 'Golf Course' trail, did a loop through the park and then left at the opening at the eastern end of Players and the truck lots. I've sent a e-mail to Brain Mayes about this.

 Published: 06 January 2015
 Last Updated: 06 January 2015
 Hits: 1297
From Krista C. :Hi Lloyd. FYI - caution to dog park users: saw a coyote in the south east corner (golf course path & open field area) of the park about 5:45 pm this evening. The coyote was heading north into the park.

With the Centreport Hwy. changing the deer population movements the coyote range has moved also.

 Published: 04 January 2015
 Last Updated: 04 January 2015
 Hits: 1264
Lost Keys
Nicole M. wrote "This is a long shot but....I was @ Little Mountain Park today & found a couple of house keys on a key chain with a child's football picture on it. The child's name on it was Aiden. If you happen to know who these belong to please let them know I left them in the lost & found mailbox".

 Published: 01 January 2015

Watch Out
Heads up everybody. The snowmobiles are back in the park. I saw the tracks on Monday.

 Published: 18 February 2015
 Last Updated: 18 February 2015
 Hits: 1281
Please see the attached February 2015 Newsletter.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at
Jessica, Rena & Lorraine
Executive Committee
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba
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BTPRSM News February 2015.pdf
 Published: 05 February 2015
 Last Updated: 05 February 2015
 Hits: 1263
Home Page Errors - Jan 28, 2015
Earlier this morning, you will have experienced some errors in your web browser when you visited our home page.

Our site was not hacked, and was not hosting any malware. The error messages were caused when our hosting provider upgraded some software components on their server, to a version incompatible with the software that runs our website.

The issue was resolved (temporarily, by rolling back the problematic update) shortly after 11:30 am CST. A permanent fix (in the form of an upgrade to our back-end website software) will be implemented later this winter.


 Published: 28 January 2015
 Last Updated: 13 February 2015
 Hits: 1226
The dumping has started again in the North quarry. This is a environmental and historical disaster in the making. 

 Published: 21 January 2015
 Last Updated: 21 January 2015
 Hits: 1258
Dog Attack

From Nancy: This is Jack

I would like to inform you of a vicious dog attack on January 15th at about 1:15. My mother was walking our dog (on a leash) at the park when she met a woman with a black lab cross (also on leash) she insisted was very friendly. Immediately the dog viciously attacked our dog. The owner ran away after my mother was bitten in the face and lost half her finger trying to save our dog who's back was torn in half. We need to warn fellow pet owners. The woman was wearing leggings and a pink jacket. She had reddish brown hair in a ponytail. She was walking with another woman who had a retriever. We will post warning posters tomorrow. Thank God it was not a toddler or small dog.

I'm so sorry that this has happened.


It's getting better. Denny's finger is hurting less and her bruising

> is clearing up but the stitches are itchy. Jack is feeling great so

> we have to stop him doing stupid things like running and jumping so

> the sutures don't break. I don't think we'll ever find this woman but

> I want people to be on the lookout so no one else gets hurt.

> Thank you for everything,


> Nancy Ellen

 Published: 16 January 2015
 Last Updated: 19 January 2015
 Hits: 1357
Under Attack
Brenda Leipsic Dog Park under attack from development. Please help their cause out!

 Published: 14 January 2015
 Last Updated: 14 January 2015
 Hits: 1344
Off Leash

Let park go to the dogs: councillors
By: Aldo Santin

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City of Winnipeg administration recommend that the off-leash area at Little Mountain Park be expanded to the adjacent picnic area, known as Area C, but that the forested area, Area B, remain an on-leash site.
There appears to be support among some members of city council to have all of Little Mountain Park officially designated as an off-leash dog park.

Members of the protection and community services committee endorsed an administrative recommendation Monday to have the park's status included in a pending master-plan review for off-leash dog parks.

Couns. Matt Allard and Jeff Browaty said it makes sense to designate the entire park, which is located just outside the city boundaries in the RM of Rosser, as an off-leash site.

"There is one person who wants to use the park for every 100 people who want to bring their dogs," Browaty (North Kildonan) said. "I'm sorry, the dogs win every time."

Allard (St. Boniface) said Winnipeg suffers from a scarcity of off-leash sites. In comparison, he said, Calgary has 10 times the number of park acreage set aside as off-leash space.

The City of Winnipeg has operated a quarry at the park site since the late 1800s and has owned the entire park since 1965. But because it's located outside the city boundaries, it's not in any one ward and no councillor is responsible for it.

City hall has designated Little Mountain Park as one of three regional dog parks, the other two being sections of Kilcona and Maple Grove parks. Officially, only a small portion of the 64.7-hectare park is designated as an off-leash park.

Dog owners stepped up lobbying efforts in the past year to have more park space set aside as off-leash areas. The administration recommends the off-leash area be expanded to the picnic area adjacent to the existing off-leash zone, but to prohibit off-leash from the majority of the forested areas of the park.

Coun. Jason Schreyer (Elmwood-East Kildonan) expressed caution, saying school groups visit the park, and there would be safety concerns if dogs were allowed to run loose throughout the entire site. Schreyer noted a bylaw requires dog owners be able to see their dogs at all times when off-leash, but that's not possible on the winding trails of the forest area.

Jordan Lobe, vice-president of the Little Mountain Park dog club, said he expects a master plan on off-leash parks will ultimately recommend the entire park be designated as an off-leash site, so council should go that route now.

Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition January 13, 2015 B2

Off the leash: Dog owners want greater share of Little Mountain Park

Dog owners want a greater share of Little Mountain Park to be off-leash. (Diana Martin/QMI Agency file photo)Article 

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A Winnipeg city councillor has concerns about resident safety if a popular dog park were to be allowed to go fully off the leash.

Coun. Jason Schreyer (Elmwood-East Kildonan) said during a protection and community services committee meeting on Monday that expanding Little Mountain Park to be entirely off-leash could raise safety concerns.

“Our concern is the safety concern,” Schreyer, a dog owner himself, said. “There’s a risk of a dog potentially — I’m not saying it’s going to happen — threatening a child or doing something more seriously to the child or an adult for that matter.”

The committee voted on recommendations from city administration to turn two out of three portions of the park into off-leash areas, leaving a forested area as on-leash.

Jordan Lobe, vice-president of the Little Mountain Park Dog Club, said the park is already being used extensively by off-leash dog owners and has lobbied for the entire park to be designated an off-leash area.

“We’re not in anyone’s backyard ... this is the place to have off-leash space,” Lobe said. “It’s an opportunity and, again, it’s a unique space to do it in.”

Coun. Jeff Browaty (North Kildonan) seemed unconvinced of safety issues, arguing the out-of-the-way location of the park means people going there are already doing so largely as a destination for their dogs.

“Any time there’s conflict of usage of a park, there’s going to be people that are passionate on both sides of the issue,” he said. “In this particular case, these aren’t parks you send your kids to go play after school. These are destination parks. In most cases, you have to drive to them.”

Twitter: @LarkinsWSun?
 Published: 13 January 2015
 Last Updated: 18 January 2015
 Hits: 1592
Jessica, Rena & Lorraine
Executive Committee
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba
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 Published: 06 January 2015

Good Morning,
Please see the attached March 2015 Newsletter.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at
Jessica, Rena & Lorraine
Executive Committee
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba

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 Published: 19 March 2015
 Last Updated: 19 March 2015
 Hits: 1349
Park Clean-up
It's that time of the year again. We were looking at Sunday March 29th for our Park Clean-up day. We'll meet up at the club house at around 10 am and fan out from there. Just remember to bring your shovel and rubber boots. Bags will be there. Let's go make our park nice for everybody.

 Published: 15 March 2015
 Last Updated: 15 March 2015
 Hits: 1318
William R. Clement Parkway Extension
Public Information Display Session William R. Clement Parkway Extension Study

Date: March 19, 2015

Time: 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Location: Canadian Mennonite University

500 Shaftesbury Blvd.

Located in the Chapel (South of Grant off Shaftesbury)

Format: Drop-in

More information:

Contact; David Jopling, MMM Group at 204-943-3178 or

 Published: 14 March 2015
 Last Updated: 14 March 2015
 Hits: 1341
Attention all Whitechapel residents!

Theatre Incarnate hopes you will join us for our latest theatrical adventure, Whitechapel Redemption, MARCH 10 to 15, 2015. Please share and pass this info to those who may like to also attend in the fun!
Whitechapel Redemption is a dark comic tale of three Bouffon, trapped in a London alley in 1888 and encounter Jack the Ripper! It's full of raunchy dark clown and commedia humour for adults and shadow puppetry.
Incarnate presents an exciting immersive experience where audience will be ushered and seated in our Whitechapel alleyway setting while the plays action swirls around you. Not to be missed!
Featuring the talents of:
Brenda McLean, Spenser Payne, Alissa Watson and Colin D. Connor.
Written and Directed by Ardyth Johnson
TICKETS ARE $18 cash at the door. STUDIO 320 -70 Albert Street.
Seating is limited for this STUDIO presentation so to reserve a seat email:
MARCH 10 to 14 at 8:00PM
March 14 and 15 3:00PM weekend matinees
...and if you are able to attend our opening performance March 10th please stick around and join us for a drink after the show!

*Also check out our Facebook "Share to Win" contest! Take the show experience home with you and continue the hunt for Jack the Ripper! At the end of our performance run we will be drawing one lucky ballot winner to receive a brand new copy of"Letters From Whitechapel" mystery board game (Fantasy Flight Games). There are three ways to enter and doing all three increases your chances of winning: 1.) "Share" our Whitechapel show event on Facebook. 2.) Attend the show and enter a ballot. 3.) Sign up for our email list
Hope to see you at the show, cheers!
 Published: 07 March 2015
 Last Updated: 07 March 2015
 Hits: 1306
Dumping Up-date
Tracey Neufeld

Executive Assistant to Bruce Gray

Assistant Deputy Minister

Water Stewardship/Biodiversity and Land Use Division

Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship

200 Saulteaux Crescent

Winnipeg MB  R3J 3W3

Ph: 204-945-6828

Fax: 204-945-3125


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 Published: 06 March 2015
 Last Updated: 06 March 2015
 Hits: 1254
Dog Attack
I just heard from a friend who was talking to a co-worker about dog attack at the park over the weekend.


The only details I have so far is that it happened over the weekend, a lady’s Golden retriever was attacked by another dog and ripped half it’s ear off and was not able to reattach it, was stitched up and now on antibiotics with a whopping $800.00 vet bill so far.

Apparently a lone male and his dog got nasty with her and walked away leaving her with a bleeding dog!!!

I am trying to find out more details.


What the F*@# is wrong with people!! Be responsible for your dogs behaviours and own up to an incident if it occurs!



Can we post something about this, people like this ruin it for others!




 Published: 04 March 2015
 Last Updated: 04 March 2015
 Hits: 1233
Herbarium Show

Lesley Nakonechny Show

Edge Gallery, 611 Main Street
Thursdays 12-5pm
Fridays, 12-6pm
Saturdays, 2-6pm
Sundays, 12-5pm
1 hr ·…/night-at-the-herbarium-2…
 Published: 27 February 2015
 Last Updated: 27 February 2015
 Hits: 1306



The move to make LMP completely off-leash was voted down.

 Published: 20 February 2015

Wood Ticks
I have the first report of Wood ticks this year. That didn't take long! Don't forget about the Heart worm pills.

 Published: 16 April 2015
 Last Updated: 19 April 2015
 Hits: 1567
Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba
Apr 8 (3 days ago) 

to bcc: me
Good Afternoon,
Please see the attached April 2015 Newsletter.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at
Jessica, Rena & Lorraine
Executive Committee
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba
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BTPRSM News April 2015.pdf
 Published: 11 April 2015
 Last Updated: 11 April 2015
 Hits: 1314
Happy Easter

 Published: 05 April 2015
 Last Updated: 05 April 2015
 Hits: 1188
Save the Gophers 

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Doomed gophers have a champion
04/04/2015 8:42:00 PM LocalPaige McNabb has started an online petition to save the gophers from being poisoned. Photo Store
Doomed gophers have a champion
Woman miffed by smoke-bomb plan
By: Jenna Dulewich

Posted: 04/4/2015 8:42 PM | Comments: 0 | Last Modified: 04/4/2015 10:44 PM | Updates
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Paige McNabb has started an online petition to save the gophers from being poisoned.Photo Store
Gophers are gaining some support online in a bid to prevent the city from using gas to kill the rodents in public parks.

Paige McNabb, 18, created a petitionFridayagainst the City of Winnipeg’s plans.


Do you agree with using smoke bombs to control the gopher population?

Yes. Let's keep city parks for people.
No. Can't we find a more humane way?
Don't really care. Gophers don't get in my way.

View Results
In about a day, she had gathered more than 350 online signatures. The city announced Wednesday it is abandoning the use of poison for gopher control in favour of sulphur smoke bombs.

"When I heard about the gassing and killing of the gophers, I was instantly upset about it," McNabb said. "I was discussing the matter with my boyfriend when he suggested I start the petition.

"To me, it is unfair and inhumane that hundreds of gophers will die for being ‘annoying’ and just for living the lives they have adapted to over the years."

The city said it will switch to smoke bombs because of an incident last year in which a dog became seriously ill after ingesting poison intended for gophers in Little Mountain Park.

A city spokeswoman said gopher control is a necessary procedure in parks, and that the new method has been tested.

"Gophers pose a significant risk to park users, including athletic-field participants who are at the greater risk for injury. As a result, control of gophers is necessary," Michelle Finley wrote in an email. "It is lit and thrown into active gopher holes, where it creates a sulphur gas that asphyxiates the gophers. There is no poison remaining in the treatment area by using this product."

McNabb, who works at a pizza parlour and will be studying nursing starting in September, said she believes the city could use different methods that wouldn’t kill the gophers.

These could include erecting warning signs in public parks or relocating the gophers, she said.

"There’s also ways that are more natural to have them leave on their own, (such as) planting a certain type of plant called euphorbia lathyris, also known as gopher spurge, which is a plant they don’t like to be around," McNabb said.

Originally, she wanted to get 100 signatures but set a new target of 500 by Saturday after the numbers started adding up.

"I really underestimated the amount of people that agree with me and want to raise awareness for these gophers," McNabb said.

"I’m hoping to make (city) council second-guess the decision that they are about to make.

"There is so much more we can do for these gophers instead of ending their lives in a tragic way."

McNabb did not reveal her next step in the campaign.

Dave Domke, the city’s manager of parks and open spaces, told the Free Press last week people and dogs were suffering sprained legs because of gopher holes.

"If there is a concern, we have to try and control that problem," Domke said.

"We’re never going to eradicate or exterminate (the gophers). We’re just trying to control them."

A trial run of the smoke bombs last year in John Blumberg Park, he said, proved successful. The city is also considered using carbon monoxide this year.

"As a result, there should be few concerns to people, wildlife or dogs," Finley said.


 Published: 05 April 2015
 Last Updated: 18 April 2015
 Hits: 1818
City to use smoke bombs to control gopher population
By: Aldo Santin

Posted: 04/1/2015 12:46 PM | Comments: 11
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The Giant Destroyer - smoke bomb kills gophers, moles, woodchucks, rats, skunks and ground squirrels.
City hall is changing its arsenal in the fight against gophers.

City crews will be relying on sulphur smoke bombs to kill the scourge of city parks and sports fields.

"It’s a lit product that you throw down the gopher hole and it emits a sulphur gas and ends up asphyxiating the gophers," Dave Domke, manager of the city’s parks and open spaces.

Domke’s crews drew unwanted attention last summer when a dog became seriously ill following a visit to Little Mountain Park after it ingested a piece of the city’s then-preferred weapon of choice – an anti-coagulant poison.

Gopher holes – actually created by rodents known as the Richardson ground squirrel – in many parks and sports fields have become a major concern of city hall, where they pose a safety threat to runners and athletes young and old.

Domke said there are about a dozen parks and sports fields where the problem is most severe and they had been employing the poison to kill the gophers.

But the use of poison was suspended last summer following the incident at Little Mountain Park.

Domke said the city had been conducting a pilot program using the sulphur smoke bomb, known commercially as the Giant Destroyer, at John Blumberg Park. It proved successful and is now being employed at other areas where the gopher holes are a concern.

"We’ve had incidents where people and dogs have experienced sprained legs because of the gopher holes," Domke said. "If there is a concern we have to try and control that problem."

Domke said the anti-coagulant poison will not be used this year.

Crews will begin surveying the open fields – where the gophers have been a serious problem in the past – at the end of April and early May.

Domke said crews look for signs of fresh dirt around the holes – indications of new gopher activity. The sulphur smoke bombs will be dropped into the holes.

"We’re never going to eradicate or exterminate (the gophers)," Domke said. "We’re just trying to control them."
 Published: 02 April 2015
 Last Updated: 02 April 2015
 Hits: 1724

Vandalism at the Park

From Annette:

Good day I just wanted to bring this to someones attention . I was walking my dog down the centre path heading south . When I came upon 3 young men and 1 older chopping down young green trees . I stopped and told them that was not aloud . They said who's going to stop us. I was alone no one around so I just kept going . Called 311 and reported it. This happened Sunday around 2 in the afternoon . Today I walked the same way and there was a pile of about 20 long logs hidden in the bush but still able to see from path. I just hate seeing people destroying the living trees and who knows these people can hurt some with their axes ..Thank you ...

I saw this afternoon at the park along with a camp fire site near the downed trees in the brush.  Also, a car was set fire in the North Parking lot and there are Paint Balls everywhere. I'm sending this off to the Parks and Rec. people and Councillor Brian Mayes.

 Published: 30 March 2015
 Last Updated: 31 March 2015
 Hits: 1494
Our park clean-up date has been pushed back to April the 12th after this latest round of nasty weather. Sorry everybody.

 Published: 26 March 2015
 Last Updated: 26 March 2015
 Hits: 1188
Tank Museum
I know this has nothing to do with the park at all but it so cool I had to put it in. I know what I want for my birthday! 

 Published: 21 March 2015

Good Afternoon, 
Please see the attached May 2015 Newsletter. 
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at
Jessica, Rena & Lorraine
Executive Committee
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba
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 Published: 01 May 2015
 Last Updated: 01 May 2015
 Hits: 1518
It looks like we have a transient living at Little Mountain Park. I found the tents and supplies buried in the forest . It was located at the picnic table and fire pit along the south edge of the ‘Big’ field trail and close to where the trail turns northward. I have sent this information on to the authorities.

 Published: 27 April 2015
 Last Updated: 27 April 2015
 Hits: 1517
Won't someone think of the gophers?
8Animal activist's petition has 3,500 signatures to stop smoke-bombing ground squirrels

A Richardson's ground squirrel.

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An animal advocate is imploring the city to think of the gophers as it carries out its control operations, and she is not alone.

Nearly 3,500 people have added their names to an online petition which began following news the city has turned to sulphur smoke bombs to control burrowing holes in about a dozen parks and athletic fields.

"These are intelligent, sentient beings. They would feel the pain as much as you or I," said Judy Stearns, who's been advocating on behalf of the rodents also known as Richardson's ground squirrels.

A city spokeswoman said the control program which recently began is needed as the holes pose a "significant risk" to park and field users.

The city turned to a product known commercially as The Giant Destroyer this year after suspending the use of poison pellets last summer when a dog ingested them at Little Mountain Park.

The pellets contained an anticoagulant which causes prolonged internal bleeding. Smoke bombs asphyxiate the rodents and are preferable to poison because they're relatively fast-acting and don't carry the same high risk of collateral damage, according to James Hare, a biological sciences professor at the University of Manitoba.

"I've been told that it's more humane, but it's not humane," Stearns countered. "If it takes 30 minutes for the respiratory system to hemorrage and collapse, how humane is that? I think if people saw it they would be mortified."

The city has been conducting a pilot program with the sulphur smoke bombs at John Blumberg and is considering starting another that uses carbon monoxide.

Stearns, who lives on a hobby farm near Stonewall, questions the need to control the gopher population — but if intervention is required she'd prefer to see them captured live and relocated or euthanized.

While the city was uncertain if those options had been explored, Hare said relocation is labour-intensive and would have had to occur prior to females birthing their litters. Live trapping and euthanizing also carry high labour demand and costs.

"Some things are just too cruel and inhumane to do. If it costs more to do it humanely, so be it, or else just leave them alone," Stearns said.

Hare, who said that Richardson ground squirrels are of "critical importance ecologically," doesn't like the idea of killing anything but understands that value judgments are made when it comes to land use.

"It ultimately comes down to how much we value other life, and feel compelled to treat all living things in a humane and ethical fashion," he said.



 Published: 26 April 2015
 Last Updated: 02 May 2015
 Hits: 1600
The Chocolate Shop
Four Chocolate Labs having a great walk today!


 Published: 25 April 2015
 Last Updated: 25 April 2015
 Hits: 1508

Nasty wind yesterday. Lots of trees downed along the trails.

 Published: 17 April 2015
 Last Updated: 25 April 2015
 Hits: 1657
Pet Expo 2015
Here are the details for the 2015 Pet Expo

 Published: 17 April 2015
 Last Updated: 18 April 2015
 Hits: 1546
Burn 2015
Hi Lloyd,

Just wanted to let you know that our crew took advantage of some favourable conditions today to do a prescribed burn at Little Mountain Park. They are burning to improve the prairie and knock back encroachment of the forest.


Rodney Penner

City Naturalist, City of Winnipeg



 Published: 17 April 2015
 Last Updated: 18 April 2015
 Hits: 1535
Clean-up 2015
Thanks so much to everybody that help make our clean-up very successful. We had a great crowd this year.

 Published: 16 April 2015

Sad News
Some very sad news. Our friend Tuppence passed away today. All our best thoughts go to Irene and Barley. Tuppence was a wonderful girl an a joy to walk with. We'll all miss her.

 Published: 28 May 2015
 Last Updated: 28 May 2015
 Hits: 1492

The City is expanding its natural grassland area to include the NE corner field and the Trial area near the Club house. No grass cutting will be done in these areas.

 Published: 20 May 2015
 Last Updated: 21 June 2015
 Hits: 1275
What a May long weekend! There is a real mess down every trail after yesterdays storm. Lots trees downed everywhere. Watch out overhead, some are caught up in the branches of other trees and just waiting to come down.


 Published: 18 May 2015
 Last Updated: 18 May 2015
 Hits: 2101
Hopefully the weather will start to warm up. I never count on anything until the May Long Weekend but it's time to think about getting our 'Garden of Hope' going again.

 Published: 11 May 2015
 Last Updated: 16 May 2015
 Hits: 2047
 Read more: Garden
Hang over
Sunday morning somebody was sleeping it off in an Avalanche out the farm field along the west side of the Golf course. Not sure just how he got in there!

 Published: 11 May 2015
 Last Updated: 11 May 2015
 Hits: 1710
Garage Sale
What a huge success! Thank you to everybody who helped us out.

Hello all:
Well, we had a hugely successful weekend with the garage sale.  We made approximately $1200.00 so we have enough money to pay all the bills and a healthy sum in the bank to boot.  Thanks to everyone who generously donated their items to sell and more importantly their time.  This was a great group effort that really paid off and really shows what we can accomplish when we work together.
Thanks especially to Wally and his Mom for letting us take over their garage for the weekend.  You were very gracious hosts.  The North end rocks for garage sales.  We have enough left over to have another sale in the late summer if everyone feels up to it but we can discuss this at the next meeting.  We made a healthy donation of leftovers to the Canadian Diabetes collection and we have lots left over that is stored in our garage. 
Thanks again everyone – great job!!
Lori and Lloyd
 Published: 11 May 2015
 Last Updated: 12 May 2015
 Hits: 1275
Dog Injured
Good day , I was out at the dog park this morning playing ball in the field . When all these kids start running around . My dog got excited picked up one of the many traffic like cones .Running with it then this guy starts yelling at me to get my dog away from the kids. Before I could get her on the leash one kid went and kicked her in the head . The shoe must have caught her eye it started to bleed . I have her at the vet as we speak . I would like the names off the schools involved in the outing . How is going to pay the huge vet bill? I don't understand why they have to play at a dog park when there is a sports plex across the road . So not fair ...ty

 Published: 02 May 2015
 Last Updated: 02 May 2015
 Hits: 1516
Garage Sale
LMPCG Garage Sale 2015.- Draft 2.pdf

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 Published: 01 May 2015

From Darlene:

Someone has pitched a tent and is camping in the park behind the building facing the big field. I've passed this along to the Parks and Rec. dept.

 Published: 07 July 2015
 Last Updated: 07 July 2015
 Hits: 1250

The leftovers after the large group that used the park this weekend.

FYI tons of broken beer bottles at the fire pit by the off leash parking lot. Tried to clean a lot up but my dogs kept getting to close. I'll try to get more tomorrow but keep pups away from that area. And a ton of food was thrown in the bushes where that big party happened last weekend. So of your dogs have sensitive stomachs to human food you should keep them away from that area.
From Cary


 Published: 30 June 2015
 Last Updated: 30 June 2015
 Hits: 1303
We have a large group using the 'Big' field this weekend. Their plan is to have a fireworks show on Saturday night by Archangel Fireworks. Please use the West parking lot to save on any hassles. Also after they are gone make sure to check for damages left behind.

 Published: 28 June 2015
 Last Updated: 28 June 2015
 Hits: 1221
Field Trip
I just heard that there will be a School Field Trip coming to the park tomorrow. There will be small kids running around.

 Published: 23 June 2015
 Last Updated: 23 June 2015
 Hits: 1997
From Darlene:

This is for the older man I saw June 19th Friday evening
I saw you trying to get your dog to come to you, from
across the field it sat frozen in the grass and as
you approached the poor dog you then whipped it with
the leash numerous times with force!!
There is NO reason to treat a dog in that way…at ALL!!
There is no wonder the dog does not come to you when
called!! Why would it when you beat it!
I wanted to say something but was alone,
but if I EVER see you do that again I will
Report you to Animal Services for cruelty to an animal!
I know who you are and your dog I will be watching!!!!!

 Published: 20 June 2015
 Last Updated: 20 June 2015
 Hits: 2036
Ran into a really nice from family visiting from Oklahoma today. They were here for the FIFA World Cup. We should be aware that there are visitors from around the world and make everybody feel welcome.

 Published: 10 June 2015
 Last Updated: 10 June 2015
 Hits: 2032
Pet Expo 2015

 Published: 06 June 2015
 Last Updated: 06 June 2015
 Hits: 1290
Chief Peguis Trail Meeting
On Wednesday June the 3rd we had a meeting workshop about the Chief Peguis Trail Extension at Maples Collegiate. There is a second meeting planed at Red River on Thursday June 11.

From CTV news video?clipId=628381
If you haven't already registered and are interested in attending, please
choose from one of the following workshop options (spots are available for


Wednesday, June 3, 2015 - TONIGHT

The Maples Collegiate - Commons Room

1330 Jefferson Avenue

6:30 - 9:00 PM




Thursday, June 11, 2015

Red River Community Centre

293 Murray Avenue (at Main Street)

6:30 - 9:00 PM


Please RSVP to Erik Dickson with your name and contact information for one
of the above workshop dates at:


Email:  <>  or                 

Phone: (204) 927-3444


Both workshops will present identical material and have the same format:


6:30                 Doors open

6:45 - 7:00      Presentation

7:00 - 8:30      Break out groups discussion/Q&A

8:30 - 9:00      Report back                             


For further project information please visit:
 Published: 06 June 2015

CBC Manitoba Join CBC Manitoba live at the The Winnipeg Humane Society, and bring along your fur-babies too.­ Fri, Sept 11 | 7 - 9 am

We will have a pet behaviouralist, veterinarian and adoption specialist on hand to answer pet-related questions. Plus, you can meet other pet-friendly people who offer some great (but lesser-known) services that you might want to check out. Such as, a pet-taxi, pet-raki, and pet-organic.

We'll have free coffee from Starbucks for the humans, and treats for the pups. There will also be some opportunity for Marcy Markusa (our host) to speak with people about why they are there, and what their experience is as a pet owner/service provider in Winnipeg.

See you there, and please help us spread the word!

 Published: 08 September 2015
 Last Updated: 08 September 2015
 Hits: 1187
Labour Day

 Published: 07 September 2015
 Last Updated: 07 September 2015
 Hits: 1202
Camp Fire
Some kind soul had a camp fire in front of the club house yesterday. It was full of beer cans and still smoldering when I came upon it. Nice!


 Published: 30 August 2015
 Last Updated: 30 August 2015
 Hits: 1380
Stolen Dogs
We are reaching out to all animal lovers in hopes that you can post this
notice. We are hopeful that you can help us spread the word for the
wellness of the dogs, a police report has been filed. If you need a printed
colour copy of the poster please contact us. Anything you can do to help is
hugely appreciated.

Thank you very much,

Mylo & Meena's family

 Published: 27 August 2015
 Last Updated: 27 August 2015
 Hits: 2078
Sad News
Sad news, we lost our friend Sadie today. All our best go out to Brenda. Sadie was a great little girl who loved to explore. She will be missed by all.

 Published: 24 August 2015
 Last Updated: 24 August 2015
 Hits: 1419
Mighty tree of paranormality
Stories abound about cottonwood
The Parks of Summer By: Adam Wazny
Posted: 09/2/2014 1:00 AM | Last Modified: 09/2/2014 6:52 AM | Updates | Comments: 11
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Rumour has it this giant cottonwood tree in Little Mountain Park is haunted. Photo Store
Winnipeg has more than 3,300 hectares of green space, made up of parks, gardens, trails, grasslands, forests, ponds and streams. Assiniboine Park, modelled after New York City's Central Park and home of the multimillion-dollar Journey to Churchill exhibit, gets most of the attention. But there are dozens of lesser-known parks throughout the city. In this summer series, Free Press reporters shine a light on some of these under-the-radar ecological gems.

On the northern boundary of Little Mountain Park, just south of Farmer Avenue in the RM of Rosser, a giant cottonwood tree stands tall.

The tree, which is more than a century old, is a majestic hunk of wood, its trunk as thick as a train. The branches stretch far up to the sky, reaching in every direction and creating a canopy that colours most elm-lined streets inside many of the old Winnipeg neighbourhoods green with envy.

The tree is a landmark, a postcard -- and might be haunted.

"It does have a reputation of being a place where paranormal activity exists, that's true," offered Tazz Norris, the lead investigator for the Winnipeg Paranormal Group (WPG). "And there are accounts of people seeing orbs and feeling ill at ease when in the presence of the tree. I'm just not sure its history holds up, though."

The sordid tale of the potentially evil tree reads like this: Back before the park was a park (the area was known as Mount Royal and Little Stony Mountain), the mighty cottonwood was rumoured to have been used as a lynching tree by the Ku Klux Klan.

However, before you ring the Ghostbusters, it should be pointed out there is no historical strength to support this claim. Norris and a handful of local paranormal aficionados say there is no concrete evidence the tree was used for this purpose -- even if the bark on some of the branches looks twisted.

Norris said the last time WPG took a look at the tree, in 2010, there was nothing out of the ordinary to report.

That doesn't mean one doesn't experience an eerie feeling when in its presence, though. There is something to this encounter -- maybe it's just the urban legend associated with it or the physical size of the tree itself -- that leaves one uneasy.

"I'm not saying it's not haunted," Norris said. "It could very well be, and the fact there is a lot of limestone in that area is something that we would consider notable."

The tree stands on a limestone ridge left by the Lake Agassiz glacier, a ridge that was developed as one of Winnipeg's first limestone quarries in 1896. There are still traces of that work around the site, and the quarry now serves as a pond for park visitors.

Limestone, according to popular paranormal theory, is an excellent recorder of past events. The rock holds the memory and energy of traumatic events, like a geological video camera, and has the ability to press play on that energy at certain moments when conditions are right.

"Places with large amounts of limestone or quartz, with the bedrock near the surface, tend to have some activity around them," Norris said.

Officially designated a civic green space in 1965, Little Mountain Park is located in the northwest corner of the city, tucked away behind Players golf course at Inkster Avenue and Brookside Boulevard. The 'maybe-haunted' tree and quarry are on the north edge of the 160-acre park, next to a large section of thick aspen forest.

Inside that forest, a network of wood-chipped trails is available for hikers and mountain bikers who wish to wind their way through the various small wildlife and forest floor vegetation. There are a handful of fire pits and picnic areas tucked away off some of the trails, as well.

Little Mountain also boasts one of the city's more popular off-leash dog areas, with a large section of grass set aside for canines on the western edge of the park along Klimpke Road.
Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition September 2, 2014 A7
 Published: 22 August 2015
 Last Updated: 23 August 2015
 Hits: 1387
Blessing For The Animals
We will be holding our Sixth annual Blessing for the Animals on Sunday Sept. 20th 2015 at 2:00 PM at the LMP Club house. Rev. Geoff Woodcroft will be performing the service. It is a wonderful time for all to show our best friends just how much we care.

 Published: 06 August 2015
 Last Updated: 06 August 2015
 Hits: 1442
2nd Annual Golf Touranment
We are having our 2nd annual golf tournament. It's strictly a fun event given our big budget. I like to set it up as a two ball foursome. Teaming a non-golfer (not quite tour potential) with a seasoned vet (somebody who has at least seen a golf course!).
Last year we had a lot of fun with a small group. We are hoping for a better turn out this year. I'd like to get a $5.00 registration fee that I will put toward your $25.00 green fees. If You need clubs they are extra.
No rain date is set.
Please let me know if you would like to play as soon as you can.
Cheers, Lloyd

 Published: 19 July 2015

2015 Golf Tournament


Please Help Save Zoe
         Hi, my name is Zoe.  I am a 5 year old golden retriever.  I am a very active and happy dog, even now being so hurt I am still smiling.  I have ruptured both my hind right and left leg Cruciate ligaments.  I am unable to walk without aid, in the form of a belly sling and need immediate surgery.  I am on strict bed rest and medicated until a TTA (Tibial Tuberosity Advancement) surgery can be performed on both legs at once.   My only wish is to run again after the ball at Little Mountain Park with my older brother, Quincy.  My parents have been overwhelmed with veterinary bills for my brother Quincy since he was diagnosed with un-operable bladder cancer in June 2014.  Each month the medications bills for him is from $250.00 to $500.00 a month since diagnosis.

         This freak accident happened 2 weeks ago and the surgery is going to cost a minimum of $5000.00.  My parents love me very much and just want me to have a chance at a long happy and healthy life.  Without this surgery I will become crippled and have to put down to end my suffering.  My parents have tried everything from asking the vet clinics to make payments, going to humane society, applied and got denied for borrowing money from pet insurance, phoning shelters and clinics, trying to get help at the University Veterinary Clinic at U of S.  However, in this current economy everyone is having a very tough time financially.  Any help would be greatly appreciated at this point.  We could not thank you enough for your kindness and generosity helping our family at this difficult time.   

         You can find more about my story on the GoFUNDme page my generous cousin has created for me at ZOE’S SURGERY FUND in Winnipeg, Manitoba.  You can view my x-rays and the Veterinary surgery estimate.  The Stonewall Veterinary Clinic where the operation will be performed is also accepting donations on Zoe’s Behalf.  Below is all the information you need to make a donation thru cash or credit over the phone or in person:

Stonewall Veterinary Clinic

4 Dolomite Avenue

Stonewall, MB   R0C 2Z0

Phone: (204) 467-2482

Dog: Zoe Wish, 5 year old Golden Retriever

Owners: Jade Wish & Scott McDonald 

TTA surgery for right and left Hind Legs

Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts

 Published: 06 October 2015
 Last Updated: 06 October 2015
 Hits: 2148
Bird House
Some kind SOB knocked the bird house over on the main trail. They twisted the metal spike right around. 

Update: Sunday morning the holding spike was replaced and we are good as new. Many thanks to the person that did this and I'll save mine if there is a next time.

 Published: 03 October 2015
 Last Updated: 24 October 2015
 Hits: 2266
Field Burn

The City is planning to do a Field burn in the near future I heard today on the radio. It is healthy for the grass, promotes new growth and cleans out some of the weeds.


 Published: 30 September 2015
 Last Updated: 04 October 2015
 Hits: 3420
Lunar Eclipse
Sept. 27th. We were treated to a rare Lunar Eclipse with a Super Moon.

 Published: 29 September 2015
 Last Updated: 29 September 2015
 Hits: 1685
Golf 2015
Sunday Sept. 27 2015 what a great day for our golf game. It started in the morning to be a rainy day but cleared right off before we got going. Thanks to everybody and a special thanks to Players Golf Course for putting up with us!

 Published: 28 September 2015
 Last Updated: 28 September 2015
 Hits: 1688
Thanks so much to Ken and everybody else that helped clean up the mess left at the Club House after a Saturday night party.

 Published: 28 September 2015
 Last Updated: 28 September 2015
 Hits: 1748
Blessing 2015
What a wonderful day for our Blessing For the Animals. We had a great turnout this year! Thanks to Rev. Woodcroft and to all that made this so special. Check out Picture Files all of our pictures for the day!


 Published: 20 September 2015
 Last Updated: 20 September 2015
 Hits: 2048
Dragon Boat

2015 Manitoba Dragon Boat Festival
September 11-13, 2015

Paddle the BIG BOATS and help more Manitoba Kids Survive Cancer!

Over the past few decades the survival rate for childhood cancer has improved significantly and today about 80% of children survive a cancer diagnosis. These are positive results but childhood cancer is still the leading disease-related cause of death for Canadian children. Our goal is 100% survival!

That is why CancerCare Manitoba Foundation and the Children's Hospital Foundation of Manitoba have partnered to raise funds for research, care and support for those most vulnerable of all - Manitoba kids with cancer. We need your help.

 Published: 10 September 2015

Skunk Up-date

This is a scary thing. More wildlife is being driven into the park with all the construction going on, Please be very careful with these encounters. 

A friend of mine from curling is an Animal services officer. She told me that they dispatched two officers to the park on Wednesday to take care of the skunk. It turns out it was rabid. That is very scary!

Rabies is transmitted in saliva when a rabid skunk bites another animal. Skunks cannot spread rabies through urine, feces or even viatheir unpleasant spray, even if the skunk is rabid.
Facts on Rabies in Skunks | Animals -
 Published: 12 December 2015
 Last Updated: 12 December 2015
 Hits: 1561
North Quarry
I see that the Bulldozer is back on the North side again moving dirt around. The R.M. just can't leave things alone can they.


 Published: 11 December 2015
 Last Updated: 18 December 2015
 Hits: 1813
Skunk, Part II Dec. 08 2015
Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association

There is skunk (alive but possibly injured) in the middle of the naturalized area (west field). It's right in the middle and at the base of one of the trees. One dog approached it coming face to face with it, she didn't get sprayed, nor did the skunk run off.

 Published: 09 December 2015
 Last Updated: 09 December 2015
 Hits: 1531
Please see the attached December 2015 Newsletter. 
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at
Jessica, Rena & Lorraine
Executive Committee
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba
Website: www.
Facebook: https://www. Terrier-Pug-Rescue-of- Southern-Manitoba-BTPRSM/ 193798940645439
Preview attachment BTPRSM News December 2015.pdf 

BTPRSM News December 2015.pdf
 Published: 05 December 2015
 Last Updated: 05 December 2015
 Hits: 1799
Watcher In The Woods
We had a Watcher in the Woods today. In the small field (SE corner) in the brush along the industrial side. The person was wearing a white parka and just hiding there. Strange day for that but.... , and the City chewed up the Main trail again. Never a dull day a the park.

 Published: 16 November 2015
 Last Updated: 16 November 2015
 Hits: 1793
And for another added feature today. I received this from Karen.


You should also know that there is some guy doing archery practice (!!!  yes - with real bow and arrows and target!!) in the east field near the road every day between 4:30 and 5.  that cannot be safe - or legal.  Should we phone the RCMP?

I passed this along to the right people as well!

 Published: 06 November 2015
 Last Updated: 06 November 2015
 Hits: 2062

BTPRSM's 7th Annual Howl-o-Ween
Join us for a ghoulishly good time at Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba's 7th Annual Howl-O-Ween Party on Sunday, October 25th from 2:30 - 4:30 pm at Sprocketts Doggy Day Camp.
Dogs are encouraged to dress up in costumes. There will be prizes (for best overall costume, best homemade costume and more), a 50/50 draw and refreshments will be served for both humans and furry friends. 
Admission: $5 per family, dogs are free :)

BTPRSM is selling Grey Cup Pool Tickets
BTPRSM are selling tickets for the 2015 Grey Cup!
Tickets are $2 each and the payouts are good! Only 900 ticket printed. 
If you are interested in selling tickets or buying tickets, send us an email to

1st Quarter Score: $100 Reverse $25
2nd Quarter Score: $100 Reverse $25
3rd Quarter Score: $100 Reverse $25
FINAL Score: $200 Reverse $50

BTPRSM is selling Fort Whyte Alive Travel Raffle Tickets
BTPRSM is selling tickets for the Fort Whyte Alive - Adventure Travel Raffle. 
Tickets are 3 for $10 
BTPRSM receives 50% profit of all the tickets we sell through our rescue.
Draw Date is December 29, 2015
If you are interested in purchasing tickets, please email us or stop by one of our adoption events, playgroups or craft sales.

Show and Save Books - Fall 2015
The Show and Save Card and Coupon book is $20.00. 
Email us at to get your book! BTPRSM gets a % of all books sold.

The SHOW & SAVE CARD is a re-usable discount card that conveniently fits into your wallet. 
The SHOW & SAVE CARD features over 100 money saving discounts and offers including restaurants, entertainment, clothing, merchandise, services, and much, much more. 
The SHOW & SAVE CARD can be used over and over until the expiry date of September 30, 2016.

Simply present the Card when ordering at any of the businesses and you will receive the discount or offer featured on the Card.
The business does not punch their ad out, cross it out or cut it out. Like a credit card, it may be used over and over, until the expiry date.

The SHOW & SAVE CARD is carried with you at all times and presented at the point of purchase.

Every SHOW & SAVE CARD includes a Coupon Book. This book features over 400 coupons. 
The coupons may only be used once, but they are a tremendous value; worth thousands of dollars. Featured discounts include restaurants, golf, entertainment, merchandise, grocery, services and more. All coupons expire September 30, 2016.

 BTPRSM @ Holy Eucharist 26th Annual Christmas Craft and Bake Sale
This Saturday we will be at the the Holy Eucharist 26th Annual Christmas Craft and Bake Sale.
Holy Eucharist Parish Centre
460 Munroe Ave. Winnipeg, MB
Saturday, October 24th 
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

?Sincerely, Jessica, Rena & Lorraine
Executive Committee
Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba
"It's a dog's life!"

 Published: 23 October 2015
 Last Updated: 23 October 2015
 Hits: 2105
Winnipeg Pet Show
A weekend dedicated to people who love their pets, featuring information & products for every pet imaginable, plus fun family entertainment featuring the "ExTreme Dogs"! Tickets on sale at, kids 12 & under FREE! http://

 Published: 20 October 2015

Dec. 27 2015
Sunday Dec. 27 2015. The smell of skunk was back in the air again. In the same spot right at the end of the 'Players Golf Course' 5th hole fence.

 Published: 28 December 2015
 Last Updated: 28 December 2015
 Hits: 1788
Christmas 2015
What a great day for a snowy winter walk. Hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas and all the best in the New Year. From all of us at LMP, have a very Merry Christmas!


 Published: 25 December 2015
 Last Updated: 25 December 2015
 Hits: 1822
Sad News
Sad news, Barry's Great Pyrenees Bailey passed away this week. She loved her rubs and scratches and would lean right in on you.  She was a lovely girl and will be missed by all.

All our best to Barry, his family and Sophie.

 Published: 20 December 2015
 Last Updated: 20 December 2015
 Hits: 1864
Skunk Part 3
Sunday Dec. 20th., the smell of skunk is in the air again. Same spot along the Golf Course Trail. Please be careful around that area. The chicken coupe seems to be drawing them into that general area.

 Published: 20 December 2015
 Last Updated: 20 December 2015
 Hits: 1757
Christmas Tree
Ron donated this years Christmas Tree to City Hall.

A big, beautiful Colorado blue spruce is standing in front of Winnipeg's city hall, ready to be decorated with lights for the holidays.

Winnipeg city hall's Christmas tree coming from home in The Maples
Crews moved the 12-metre-tall tree there on Sunday morning from its home, a yard in The Maples, where it stood for 45 years.

Ron Gerth donated the tree, which he said grew too big for his yard on Doubleday Drive. 

"I'm glad I could donate it so it could be put to good use and many people can enjoy it throughout the holiday season," he said.

The ceremonial lighting for the tree is expected to take place in December, at a date yet to be announced.

 Published: 20 December 2015
 Last Updated: 20 December 2015
 Hits: 1765


I sent this off to the City 311 desk.


Friday Dec. 18th at Little Mountain Park.
With the new snow that has fallen snowmobiles have been entering the park at the South east corner, following along the 'Golf Course' trail and exiting through the opening next to Players Golf Course field. Somebody is going to get hurt by these people!
Thank you for your time.

Their answer:

Good morning,

Thank you for your email. Reports of snowmobiles being used in the City are handled by the Police. You can reach them at their 24 hour non emergency number 204-986-6222.

Thank you for contacting Winnipeg 311.


Service Representative
311 Contact Centre
Contact 311

 Published: 19 December 2015
 Last Updated: 20 December 2015
 Hits: 1846
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and a Habby Near Year.

Love Terri, Becky, and Wally.
Hair Force Barber Shop

 Published: 19 December 2015