Little Mountain Park Conservancy       Group Inc.
For The Love of Our Park
 Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association 




01/16/15 Meeting with MPs




On Tuesday December 16th, Kim Bradshaw and I met with James Bezan, MP for Selkirk-Interlake.  He asked a number of well informed questions about how we are organized, and who we have contacted.  In summary, he assured us that he is sympathetic to the continued existence of the Park and to speaking on its behalf.  To quote him, “so you are not anti-development or road as long as it doesn’t touch the Park?”  I said that was a fair summary.  He recommended we arrange to meet the Board of CentrePort and explain our concerns directly.  He also recommended we meet with MP Joy Smith, MLA Ralph Eichler,  and Tim Sopak of Manitoba Habitat Heritage, which has similar concerns and projects.  He listened to our complaint about the Rosser RM allowing the dumping of debris into the North Quarry and said he would speak with Francis Mead of the Ross Council.  He says we can publicly state his support for our cause, and he will put it in writing shortly.  We will nag him.

On Thursday December 18th, Lloyd and I met with Kevin Lamoureaux, MP for Winnipeg North.  He expressed his uneqivocal affection and support for the Park and our project.  He recommended we meet with Ralph Eicler with whom Lamoureux has a good working relationship.  He also made a canny suggestion that we create Observer Status on our Board - and invite MPs MLAs and Consultants to hold these positions.  Although we may not always get the politicians out to meetings, they will always send their EAs.

In short, very positive support from both.  We need to meet with Eichler, CentrePort Board, and MB Heritage Habitat next. 

By Karen Zoppa

01/28/15 meeting

Little mountain park conservancy group
5 pm
Thursday january 29th, 2015
HairForce Barber shop
- Approval of Agenda
1. Update on incorporation 
2. Report on action taken against dumping in North Quarry
3. Request from LMP Dog Club for meeting with Officers of Conservancy Group
4. volunteers for conducting survey
5. questions for survey
6. potential fundraising event
7. communication strategy
8 unveiling of logo and letterhead 
9 report on lobbying/planning for next lobbying
Little mountain park conservancy group


5 pm

Thursday January 29th, 2015

HairForce Barber shop


- Approval of Agenda

1. Update on incorporation 

2. Report on action taken against dumping in North Quarry

3. Request from LMP Dog Club for meeting with Officers of Conservancy Group

4. volunteers for conducting survey

5. questions for survey

6. potential fundraising event

7. communication strategy

8 unveiling of logo and letterhead 

9 report on lobbying/planning for next lobbying

4/25/15 CJOB

Lukes: Chief Peguis Tr. Extension Should Be Number One
Winnipeg, MB, Canada / 680 CJOB - Winnipeg's News & Information Leader
Julie Buckingham
March 25, 2015 10:57 am

The head of the city’s infrastructure committee doesn’t agree with the order of road projects being laid out to council.

Yesterday, the executive policy committee said the first thing that should be done is an underpass at Waverley and Taylor.

However, Councillor Janice Lukes tells 680 CJOB that it’s the Chief Peguis Trail extension that should be number one.

The question is if she has other allies on her side. “Well, that’s the question. We’ll see today at the vote, ” she said.

Lukes thinks the extension should be the top priority as part of the city’s effort to become a multi-modal global transportation hub.

3/5/15 Dumping

Tracey Neufeld

Executive Assistant to Bruce Gray

Assistant Deputy Minister

Water Stewardship/Biodiversity and Land Use Division

Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship

200 Saulteaux Crescent

Winnipeg MB  R3J 3W3

Ph: 204-945-6828

Fax: 204-945-3125



Attachments areaPreview attachment CONWSM15-00163 - Letterhead - Drainage and Water Control - Stonewall (2).pdfCONWSM15-00163 - Letterhead - Drainage and Water Control - Stonewall (2).pdf

5/11/15 Garage Sale

Hello all:

Well, we had a hugely successful weekend with the garage sale. We made approximately $1200.00 so we have enough money to pay all the bills and a healthy sum in the bank to boot. Thanks to everyone who generously donated their items to sell and more importantly their time. This was a great group effort that really paid off and really shows what we can accomplish when we work together.

Thanks especially to Wally and his Mom for letting us take over their garage for the weekend. You were very gracious hosts. The North end rocks for garage sales. We have enough left over to have another sale in the late summer if everyone feels up to it but we can discuss this at the next meeting. We made a healthy donation of leftovers to the Canadian Diabetes collection and we have lots left over that is stored in our garage.

Thanks again everyone – great job!!

Lori and Lloyd

06/23/15 meeting

To date, we have the following business to discuss:

Review of the Action Plan: [a simple review of what is done and not done - the following items will be further to this]
Communications - process for contacting new political and environmental officers; PR for LMPCG Inc.
Treasurer's Report, including debriefing the Garage Sale
Reimbursing the Johnson's for expenses.
Setting Term of Office Limits, rules for re-election, and a staggered renewal schedule to ensure continuity.
Process for retaining and sharing files
Future of the G Mail address/ the web page
Report on the Ground Squirrel Lobby
Meeting with Centreport Board
Report from Chair on various dialogues with vested environmental and political people.

I understand that Tanis has some legal issues to discuss with us.

06/25/15 meeting






Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes
Report on the Ground Squirrel Lobby 
Communications - process for contacting new political and environmental officers; PR for LMPCG Inc.
i.  Treasurer's Report, including debriefing the Garage Sale
Setting Term of Office Limits, rules for re-election, and a staggered renewal schedule to ensure continuity.
Process for retaining and sharing files
Future of the G Mail address/ the web page
Review of the Action Plan:  [a simple review of what is done and not done - the following items will be further to this]
Meeting with Centreport Board
Report from Chair on various dialogues with vested environmental and political people.
Other business.


Darlene has provided us with our super new logo from her friend Rod Salm. Thanks so much for that.

 Published: 21 December 2014
 Last Updated: 25 April 2015
 Hits: 2486