01/16/15 Meeting with MPs
On Tuesday December 16th, Kim Bradshaw and I met with James Bezan, MP for Selkirk-Interlake. He asked a number of well informed questions about how we are organized, and who we have contacted. In summary, he assured us that he is sympathetic to the continued existence of the Park and to speaking on its behalf. To quote him, “so you are not anti-development or road as long as it doesn’t touch the Park?” I said that was a fair summary. He recommended we arrange to meet the Board of CentrePort and explain our concerns directly. He also recommended we meet with MP Joy Smith, MLA Ralph Eichler, and Tim Sopak of Manitoba Habitat Heritage, which has similar concerns and projects. He listened to our complaint about the Rosser RM allowing the dumping of debris into the North Quarry and said he would speak with Francis Mead of the Ross Council. He says we can publicly state his support for our cause, and he will put it in writing shortly. We will nag him.
On Thursday December 18th, Lloyd and I met with Kevin Lamoureaux, MP for Winnipeg North. He expressed his uneqivocal affection and support for the Park and our project. He recommended we meet with Ralph Eicler with whom Lamoureux has a good working relationship. He also made a canny suggestion that we create Observer Status on our Board - and invite MPs MLAs and Consultants to hold these positions. Although we may not always get the politicians out to meetings, they will always send their EAs.
In short, very positive support from both. We need to meet with Eichler, CentrePort Board, and MB Heritage Habitat next.
By Karen Zoppa