Little Mountain Park Conservancy       Group Inc.
For The Love of Our Park
 Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association 



2022 save-blumberg-letter-template. html 

OURS-Winnipeg (Outdoor Urban Recreational Spaces - Winnipeg) was organized 10 years ago in December 2011. 
The motivation for the formation of OURS-Winnipeg was the plan by the City of Winnipeg to sell public municipal golf courses for commercial and residential development. Citizens from across the City of Winnipeg came together to advocate on behalf of urban greenspaces and save greenspace from development. 


Greenspace advocacy was launched across the city in 2011 and over the last ten years, there have been both losses and victories. The significant early victory was the halt to the proposed sale of the municipal golf courses and their retention as greenspaces and outdoor recreation locations for both summer and winter. 


2021 was the year that saw a major leap forward in the protection of urban greenspaces in Winnipeg.  


The 2021 greenspace amendments to City of Winnipeg planning documents OurWinnipeg (2045) and Complete Communities 2.0 included a Master Greenspace Plan and Nature Corridor Plan along with a Biodiversity Policy.             

The amended planning documents move Winnipeg into compliance with the United Nations Decade of Ecosystem Restoration launched in June, 2021 which states that greenspaces must be at the heart of urban planning. 



These amendments would not be passed without your strong advocacy for greenspace. 

We also recognize the outstanding collaboration and support by Councillor Sherri Rollins (Fort Rouge-East Fort Garry) in drafting and securing the passage of these important amendments. 



On June 24, 2021 Council approval of OurWinnipeg 2045 By-law No. 120/2020 included a recommendation that Policy 2.20 be replaced with revised wording:   


2.20 Leverage Green Infrastructure. Create a master greenspace and natural corridor plan by-law that enables conservation, management, restoration, and enhancement of the inherent valued and ecological functioning of parks, waterways, natural areas and systems year round, to support the environment, advance climate change adaption and mitigation, and increase quantity of such lands that can be accessed for recreation, social interaction, active living and connection of people and nature with nature, as population growth occurs.   


Council also directed that funding for the development for a Master Greenspace and Natural Corridor Plan By-law be referred to the 2022 budget process.  


Council Approval of By-law No. 119/2020, the Complete Communities Direction Strategy 2.0 included the following recommendations be added to the Parks and Recreation Chapter, namely:   

4.8 a) Consideration of municipal golf courses as major nature preserves and greenspace   


4.8 b) A Biodiversity Policy for Winnipeg that will detail, among other things, an ecological network that is interdependent, reciprocal, healthy, connected and integrated with the built environment and life on the land; one rooted in indigenous traditional knowledge of land, community, and ecology. This should include a requirement for an annual report to Council structured I line with the Durban Commitments Local Governments for Biodiversity   


4.8 c) A Corridor Plan to protect, and enhance Winnipeg forests, green spaces, natural environment and natural area corridors including Winnipeg’s connecting riverbank corridors   


4.8 d) Tracking the status of greenspace and regular reporting to the public and Council. 



Save greenspace at John Blumberg Golf Course 


The report on the sale of the John Blumberg Golf Course is to be on the agenda of the Property and Development Committee Meeting on Monday, January 17. 

Your help is needed to save this greenspace and publicly owed family golf course.  


Recent Media - Winnipeg Free Press Dec 4, 2021 Blumberg green space is worth saving


Send a letter to Mayor and Councillors.  

Template at save-blumberg-letter-template. html 

Act Now! WRITE TO WINNIPEG’S MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS AND ASK THEM to save John Blumberg Golf Course from sale and development and to protect and enhance this greenspace and natural area for...

The City of Winnipeg owns this large riverside property and once it is sold for development it is gone forever. 

Below are links to the reports on the Jan 17 PP & D Agenda
Agenda – Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development – January 17, 2022
Item 20 Proposed Sale of City-owned Property – Part of 4540 Portage Avenue (John Blumberg Golf Course) (Charleswood – Tuxedo – Westwood Ward) DMIS/ViewDoc.asp?DocId=21506& SectionId=629362&ismobile=yes
Item  20 Report of the Independent Fairness Commissioner DMIS/ViewDoc.asp?DocId=21506& SectionId=629363&ismobile=yes

 Up To Speed with Faith Fundal - Jan. 14, 2022: Petition started to oppose sale of John Blumberg Golf Course

Excellent Interview on CBC Radio this afternoon. live-radio/1-111/clip/15889283  

Subject: Information Radio - MB with Marcy Markusa - Oct. 18, 2021: Getting out for a walk may be just what the doctor ordered...and can be good for the soul live-radio/1-29/clip/15872671

OURS-Winnipeg Supporters of "Save John Blumberg Golf Course" 


OURS-Winnipeg has led the campaign to keep the John Blumberg Golf Course as public greenspace and save it from sale to developers. Your support for the "Save John Blumberg. Golf Course" campaign has made a real difference.


Both the City Property Planning Development Committee (Jan.17) and the Executive Policy Committee (Jan.19) have voted "that the proposal for the sale not be approved." 


We have two City Committees voting to stop the sale. The issue now moves to City Council on January 27. Your active support before that Council meeting is needed to keep the momentum going at City Council and save this important greenspace. 


If you have already signed the petition or sent an email to the Mayor and Councillors thank you very much. Your actions helped a lot. 


If you haven't, this is your last chance. The defining moment is next Thursday, January 27 when Winnipeg City Council will vote to approve or reject the plan to sell 200 acres of riverside greenspace. 


What you can do to help 


1. Share this email 


2. Write letters to the Mayor and Councillors. Go to the following link for a template letter to send as soon as possible. blumberg-letter-template.html 


3. Sign the petition SaveJohnBlumbergGolfCourse 


4. Write a letter to the editor of the Winnipeg Free Press or Winnipeg Sun 


OURS-Winnipeg urges you to take action NOW and help save this greenspace. Every email and signature will have an impact on Council. 


Thank you, 

Ron Mazur / Pam Lucenkiw 






LINKS to Recent Media Coverage: 


Winnipeg Sun, January 22, 2022 Long odds; Sale of Blumberg Golf Course Unlikely news/long-odds-sale-of- blumberg-golf-course-unlikely- says-councillor 


CBC, January 17, 2022 Winnipeg's property and planning committee votes against sale of John Blumberg Golf Course manitoba/winnipeg-property- planning-committee-votes- against-john-blumberg-golf- course-sale-1.6317762 


Winnipeg Free Press, January 17, 2022 Property committee rejects John Blumberg Golf Course sale local/property-committee- rejects-john-blumberg-golf- course-sale-576078812.html 


CBC, Winnipeg Radio, UP to Speed January 14, 2022 Proposed sale of John Blumberg Golf Course 1-111-up-to-speed/clip/ 15889283-petition-started- oppose-sale-john-blumberg- golf-course 


Winnipeg Sun, January 12, 2022 Councillor calls low sale price set for Blumberg Golf Course land ‘criminal news/councillor-calls-low- sale-price-set-for-blumberg- golf-course-land-criminal 


CTV, January 11, 2022 Report recommends sale of John Blumberg Golf Course recommends-sale-of-john- blumberg-golf-course-1.5735533  


Interesting article in recent globe points to August 2021 Stats Can study of urban greenness, where Winnipeg rates low...

Traffic lights at Route 90 and Farmers Road / Jefferson

There are traffic signals planned for the intersection of Brookside (Route 90) & Farmer-Jefferson and we are working on sorting out some of the details there right now. I can't confirm when they will be installed yet but it will very likely be later this year or next year. This location is unique because it is on the City Limits so there is some additional coordination and cost sharing required with the RM.


Adopt-A-Park Signage

Going ahead

Good morning,

I just got back the template for the adopt a park signage.

How does this look to you guys?


Martin Daudet

Attachments area

Rezoning Apr. 13 2022

Land north of the park

Rezoning on Route 90

May 18 2022 By-law and fencing

Hi Lloyd
Did you see this? https://clkapps. DocId=21861&SectionId=& InitUrl= 
On-Leash and Off-Leash Areas of Little Mountain Park and Park By-Law Enforcement in Parks Located in Rural Municipalities
The Executive Policy Committee concurred in the recommendation of the Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services and Parks:
1. That the Winnipeg Public Service be directed to work with the Rural Municipality of Rosser to request private property rights to enforce City of Winnipeg By-laws within the boundaries of Little Mountain Park.
Chief Administrative Officer Director of Legal Services and City Solicitor Manager of Parks and Open

May 06 2022

Here is the link to the meeting video. You can hear the lengthy discussion. 
Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services and Parks Video
May 6, 2022 - Regular Meeting
3. On-Leash and Off-Leash Areas of Little Mountain Park and Park By-law Enforcement in Parks Located in Rural Municipalities DMIS/ShowVideo.asp?DocId=21823  
It sounds like this report is for information, but worth following up.
STANDING COMMITTEE DECISION: The Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services and Parks concurred in the recommendation of the Winnipeg Public Service, as amended, and approved:
1. That the report of the Winnipeg Public Service be received as information.
2. That the Winnipeg Public Service be directed to continue to monitor and communicate with off-leash dog groups of the City of Winnipeg.

City Budget meeting at City Hall


Hearing June 29 2022

The city has a Bird Friendly policy now that provides information. Janice Lukes says she requires all tall buildings in her ward to comply. CityPlanning/ BirdFriendlyResources/default. stm#:~:text=The%20City%20of% 20Winnipeg%20is,Caf%C3%A9% 20in%20Assiniboine%20Park%2C% 20Winnipeg
Since it is facing a park it is a good idea to remind them of the Bird Friendly Page.

June 9 2022

Here is the  link to the event on Thursday for the AMB. I did the Greenspace Chapter.
https://www.winnipegfreepress. com/local/next-city-council- needs-to-up-its-green-game- advocates-say-576580662.html 

Proposed rail park between Centre-port Hwy. and 101.


Mayoral Forum

Hello Collaborators,

We put on an excellent forum yesterday. Thank you to Marg Friesen, Curt Hull, Lloyd Johnson, Pam Lucenkiw, Christie Nairn, Uche Nwankwo, and Victoria Romero, who dedicated many hours of work this month to organizing the event. The event went smoothly because of their effort and careful planning. I also want to say thank you to CPAWS Manitoba for covering the costs associated with the event as a part of the collaboration.

It was great to see so many of you out with booths. We do not have the final numbers for who listened via the audio stream, but there were about 215 people in the theatre and another 48 on the Facebook live stream (172 views as of this morning). I will let you know when we get the final numbers. I should be able to get you numbers from the audio stream and a link to the recording in the next couple of days.

Link to recording:

If you missed the environmental forum, you can watch the Facebook live recording here (forum starts around minute 21): 100066708296052/videos/ 819267832417484/?idorvanity= 641886320774065

Media Coverage:

Here is CBC’s coverage: canada/manitoba/winnipeg- mayoral-candidates- environmental-forum-1.6596984

Global was there but so far the only thing the posted was Jenny Motkaluk’s refusal to wear a mask: mayoral%20forum&src=typed_ query&f=top

On twitter you can see Bartley Kives’ live tweeting of the event: status/1574554188385746960

please share photos

If you took photos of the event, please consider sharing them on this google drive: drive/folders/1Pl_ PmypSymeozuGko6nFd0egwWABRjEQ? usp=sharing

Please share thoughts

What went well? Where could we improve? Please let us know while the event is fresh in your mind. It will help us document all of this in case we choose to collaborate on a forum in the future.

What’s next?

I am making the decision to delay our all-collaborators meeting by a week to give the forum planning committee a break after a meeting intense week. At the next meeting, we will discuss the event and what’s next.

What Winnipeg's mayoral candidates are promising canada/manitoba/winnipeg- mayoral-race-election-2022-1. 6598673

Public Hearings for the land north of the park



The Province is adding $40,000,000 to the rail relocation.

Hi Mr. Johnson,

Your question regarding traffic signals at the intersection of Farmer-Jefferson & Route 90 was forwarded to me for response. The City is working on a cost sharing agreement with the RM to install traffic signals here and hope to have them completed in 2023.


We continue to receive input on draft Plan20-50 via the web form here: your-say or by email at Any feedback we receive will be compiled. There are no open houses scheduled at the moment, in the meantime there are some resources on our website where the public can learn more about the plan, such as plan-2050/.