Little Mountain Park Conservancy       Group Inc.
For The Love of Our Park
 Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association 




News and Events For The Dog Park



Welcome to Little Mountain Park
Hello and welcome to the Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association web page. We've created this web page to showcase the richness of Little Mountain Park, the history of the area, the people, and our love of our pets.

For nearly 150 years the area around the park has become home to many diverse and varied groups of people. Both farming and mining from the area have played a key role in the growth of the City of Winnipeg, the R.M. of Rosser and the Province of Manitoba. Many families have come and gone over the years, all leaving their mark in our Past, the Present and building for the Future of the area. Our history section covers the passing of time, both good and not so good stories of the past.

Little Mountain is a Park for all four seasons, Whether enjoying a long leisurely stroll on a summer day or Cross Country Skiing in the winter, any season is designed for both you and your dog to take your time and enjoy.

Our little corner of the world has also served as the backdrop to the motion picture industry.Two films were shot around the quarry area and out in the Big field. We are still researching the names of the shows but I believe one to be 'Society's Child' and the other to be the 'J.J. Harper story'. Also, in 2017 the CBC shot two episodes of 'Burden of Truth'

All our files are open for public viewing, if you wish,take the time to create a password and log in to view our new and updated Picture Files and the stories and jokes that are sent in by our readers in the Readers Forum located in the News and Events section,( we are adding new items all the time ). Send in your own pictures and stories about what makes Little Mountain special to you. Our picture files are set-up to be viewed as a slide show so sit back, enjoy and take a tour through Little Mountain Park !

Please make sure to follow all the City of Winnipeg park rules and regulations so that all may enjoy Little Mountain Park.



The City of Winnipeg is in the process of developing the Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan to address and respond to growing interest and demand for off-leash dog areas in Winnipeg. The City has engaged the services of WSP (formerly known as the MMM Group Limited) to develop the plan. We are in the preliminary stages of this City-wide project, and will be hosting a stakeholder workshop on May 31, 2017. You/your organization have been identified as a project stakeholder. We want to hear from you and encourage you to participate in this workshop event!

The purpose of the workshop is to obtain feedback on current off-leash facilities in Winnipeg, discuss issues that are currently being experienced with existing off-leash sites, and identify potential off-leash site selection criteria.

Off Leash Dog Parks
Subject: Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan Stakeholder Workshop


The City of Winnipeg is in the process of developing the Off-Leash Dog
Areas Master Plan to address and respond to growing interest and
demand for off-leash dog areas in Winnipeg. The City has engaged the
services of WSP (formerly known as the MMM Group Limited) to develop
the plan. We are in the preliminary stages of this City-wide project,
and will be hosting a stakeholder workshop on May 31, 2017. You/your
organization have been identified as a project stakeholder. We want to
hear from you and encourage you to participate in this workshop event!

The purpose of the workshop is to obtain feedback on current off-leash
facilities in Winnipeg, discuss issues that are currently being
experienced with existing off-leash sites, and identify potential
off-leash site selection criteria.

Event Details:
Date:              May 31, 2017
Time:              6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Location:       South Winnipeg Community Centre – Board Room (formerly
known as the Waverley Heights Community Club)
1885 Chancellor Drive

About the Master Plan

The Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan is being developed to address and
respond to the growing interest and demand for off-leash dog areas in
Winnipeg. The Plan will address the needs of all park and public open
space users, and will include a vision and implementation strategy for
off-leash dog areas throughout Winnipeg. To learn more about the goals
of the Plan, please visit:<>
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Puppy Paradise

Winnipeg Free Press, Tuesday, April 21, 2009 Pet Page by Charlene Adam

Little Mountain Park is a treasure for dogs ... and their owners

As a relative newcomer to the city, friends continue to recommend their favourite dog parks to me. I have yet to take Bella, my pup, to any off-leash area without a well-behaved dog to show her the way. Lacking canine guidance, she'd ditch me like a reality-show girlfriend.

With that in mind. I regret not taking my dog to meet up with Lloyd Johnson, head of the Little Mountain Pet Owners Association. He and his two well-behaved Labradors, Shelby and Cole, escorted me around this northwest locale to exemplify why he feels Little Mountain Park is the best dog park in the city.

It quickly became obvious why so many Winnipeggers love to frequent this recreational area. If dogs could talk, Shelby and Cole would call their favourite play place,"pure joy." They'd also tell me, "Next time you come, bring treats."

Johnson visits the park regularly and says, "It's a perfect place for dogs to be dogs." He isn't alone in this observation. Melissa Minsky and her puppy, Jessie James, enjoy the park daily. Minsky said," My dog gets excited when we turn to drive here."

Dubbed by Winnipeg's city website as one of its Living Prairie Museums, you'll discover that this 65-hectare area offers more than a mere walk in a park. It's touted as significant both as a natural area and for its historical background.

On the north side of the park, there's a wide-open field, decent parking, washroom facilities and a pond formed from historic former quarry pits. The pond is said to be the site for paranormal activity. Johnson told me that paranormal experts saw a face in the pond. As Winnipeg's biggest chicken, I can assure you I'm not going to try to replicate the experience.

The south end of the park offers aspen-lined trails which abut a portion of Players Golf Course. It's a good place to find golf balls, says Johnson.

Further winding trails, a small parking lot and an off-leash area comprise much of the west side of Little Mountain Park. This area eventually conjoins with the north end's huge field. It's where much of the action occurs. Dogs converge at the field to socialize. Dog owners have been known to mingle there, too.

Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association doesn't take this park for granted. Approximately 60 people gather every spring to clean up, said Johnson. Volunteers also collect trash throughout the winter. Knowing that a myriad of species over-winter this woodland space, volunteers provide food for the wild birds. Johnson revealed that there have been sightings of blue jays, chickadees, snowy owls and even eagles on the property. While strolling, owners have also witnessed deer, skunk, fox and evidence of porcupine.

Keen observers may have noticed that I neglected to describe the east segment of the park. That's because this section holds special distinctions. In the northeast, a historic cottonwood tree (planted in the 1890's) hugs Farmer's Road. The Little Mountain Park Owners Association's website notes that this tree is the sole reminder of the existence of Mount Royal village.

The second distinguishing aspect of Little Mountain Park's east side is called Little Field. This area once had trees which served as a barrier between the southeast side of the park and private farmland. According to Johnson, the trees were felled and the underbrush was burned. The private farm land was sold. In its place, are paved roads awaiting commercial development. This development will lie alongside the looming future expansion of Chief Peguis Trail.

While Johnson would never want to stymie development of the city he's lived most of his life in, he does wonder about the future status of this much-loved park. The recent announcement of the Centreport development plans by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Premier Gary Doer has Johnson and other association members worried. They fear the allure of commercial development may entice the government to expropriate some, or all, of the land.

A Manitoba government spokesman assured me that it's not in the plans. But I doubt this will allay Johnson's fears entirely. Years ago, his family experienced the expropriation of Birds Hill Park first-hand.

It's easy to look at a map and justify alterations to a city. I've done it myself. When changes occur, patrons of Little Mountain Park hope the park experiences the same fate as the cottonwood standing on its northern corner. Despite possible development around it, they long for Little Mountain Park to remain as a monument to Winnipeg's past and tactile part of it's future.

Having visited this park, I now understand why volunteers work to keep it enjoyable for others. Bella and I plan to use it, with or without outside canine guidance. Just so you know, I will bring treats.

Also, this comes from Winnipeg Dogs Youtube video

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Kevin Nakonechny
Kevin is a full-time IT geek at MTS Allstream Inc, and a part-time IT services consultant for several small businesses. In his spare time, he is responsible for the back-end Content Management System that runs LMPPOA.CA. When he's not busy fixing computers or building websites, Kevin likes to cook, curl, and listen to music.

Lesley Nakonechny
Lesley is Kevin's wife. Graduating from Red River College in 2004, she is a professionally trained graphic designer, and who is the Layout Editor for the Lögberg-Heimskringla Icelandic Community Newspaper. She has worked on some freelance website and logo/print design as well. Lesley also enjoy's curling, crafting, and taekwondo.

Lloyd Johnson
Lloyd, Kevin and Lesley all curl in the Fun Lovers Curling League, on Friday nights between October and March, at the Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club in Winnipeg, MB. We have been bringing our dogs to Little Mountain for years now. It truely is a wonderful place to be a part of. Not only do I enjoy curling, the subject of golf may have entered the conversation once and a while! I have a B.A. from the U. of W. and have worked in the aircraft industry for many (to many) years. This my first web site and it's been a blast putting it all together.


 Published: 08 April 2008